UPDATE: 2 YEARS LATER! | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKOG7VL2a_c SEND: your recordings to kaelinspeaks@gmail.com
So I wanted to drop a skit but something paranormal happened in my house last week, and I’m not talking about a little shadow. In the morning when my family was either out or sleeping a garbage bin in one of the rooms of my house got thrown out at my dog and we CAUGHT IT ON CAMERA..this is completely real!!!! no prank so watch and tell me what you think in the comments
All creative commons music from Kevin Maceload at http://incompetech.com/
Is that e hat that e ghost threw it
You kicked the bucket. There was a string attached to it and that’s how you rocked it. Problem solved
Ghosts are real they don't edit it
I love watching these mystery videos of anything that is hard to explain or understand. I was watching Top 5 things pets seen that owners didn't over on Nukes top 5 when I had seen this. Something caught my attention that doesn't seem correct. Idk if I am just not seeing things right or what but I noticed something to me that doesn't add up. So initially when the dog and the trash can fly out of the room normally the shadow on the wall appears because it's the dog running but…..what I don't get is why half of that shadow doesn't follow them out as if to match the dog and bin. It almost seems like half of that shadow goes back into the office. Making it seem like something or someone was going back into the office. I out the speed on zero point 25. Slowest speed and watched the shadow over and over. Anyone else see it? Hahaha wow. Insane man.
I just saw the video on the Travel Channel and I have some ideas.
Really the only idea I have without being able to slow down the footage is do you think your dog could’ve been investigating the garbage can, got his collar hooked within those rings and freaked out and ran in the perfect way to have it detach?
I’ve seen my cats collar get hooked on things and my dogs once before at least once in my life so I’m just wondering if that is something you investigated?
my niece said she thinks its real ghost. cause the trash can was moving beside and by itself
I would have said it’s possible that a piece of string or something from the bin got tangled in the dog’s front legs and the dog dragged the bin for a bit, but this doesn’t explain what triggered the dog to run out of the room in fear in the first place. It also doesn’t explain why the bin keeps rolling for an extended period of time after it’s stopped by the wall.
I’m a skeptic, but I’m going to have to say it really does seems like paranormal activity is going on in this scene.
run now
Kinda nostalgic to me
Yes…its "ghost"
I think there’s a ghost in that room
Ghost ain’t real
I watching your video on Paranormal Caught On Camera for the millionth time. The shadow on the back wall is far too large to be the dog's.
dog can see ghosts
Hi, this is genuine video https://youtu.be/dlPWFAGpnAg
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ඉතින්මෙය සාමාන්ය එස්සී පළමුවෙන්ම අළු ප්රදේශයට ස්ලීපර් යානයට යාමට අවසර ලැබුණි
The bin wasn't rolling when it came out, so, that would indicate it being hit hard enough to fly out of the room, or, something threw it at her. Either way, it's pretty strange.
It looks like it's being thrown at her an it looks like she is genuinely scared of it! The bin would've stopped rocking within seconds am it doesn't! So i think it's a ghost for sure! ? ? ? ? ?
අවට යුද නැව් ඔවුන්ගේ වෙනස්කම් සම්පූර්ණ කළා වෙලාවට විට
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