Ghosts Caught On Camera and Others Seen in Real Life! Darkness Prevails presents these allegedly true stories about real ghost sightings, ghost caught on camera, ghost caught on tape, darkness prevails, real ghost, real ghost stories, true ghost stories, ghost photo, ghost picture, real ghost photo, real ghost picture, evidence of ghosts, ghost evidence, ghost adventures, ghost town, ghost stories, ghost hunters, ghostbusters, ghost busters, ghost games, paranormal, paranormal witness, board game, games, ghost, ghost video, books, kid books, school, highschool, middle school, fishing and more!
Enjoy the video 🙂 Keyword rant over!
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Background Footage courtesy of pixabay.com!
This episode was composed by the amazing Myuuji! Check out more of his stuff here – https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji or Epidemic Sound! Go to http://www.epidemicsound.com or Kevin MacLeod from http://www.incompetech.com
The amazing artwork was created by YeahManTv at http://www.twitter.com/yeahmantv
Allegedly True Scary Stories List:
1. Don’t Leave Your Windows Open by Chi
2. Specter in the Field by Liam F.
3. The Girl in the White Dress by valentine
4. Real Demon Story by Joey2k35
5. Ghost of Lake Mead by Sunny
About Darkness Prevails:
The best creepy youtube channel for nightmare fuel and true scary stories, real ghost stories, true horror stories, real monster sightings, disturbing creepypasta horror stories, subscriber horror stories, strange creature sightings, weird animal encounters, skin walkers or skinwalker sightings, werewolf and dogman sightings, bigfoot and and sasquatch encounters, real ghost sightings, scary stories from reddit and not from reddit, social media true scary stories like facebook and craigslist, and other true scary stories and real horror stories!
5 REAL Ghost Sightings! – Darkness Prevails
Darkness Prevails
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Give me all the likes and shares you can on the video!
If you do, I'll let you know what I think about traps 😉
I subbed bro. You are awesome, love horror stories!
Geez DP story 4 A+ & the rest of the stories are great well done.
Story #3 sounds too much like the Crying Woman of the Southwest and Mexico.
Phone flew off the hook because a ghost wanted pizza
Omg you are adorable🤗
You are awesome!
Hey darkness, possible video idea: Colorado ghost stories, since we're supposed to be the most haunted state and all. Love your videos man they get me through they keep me awake on the night shift.
I'm here too
More ghost stories please!
hey jackasss,..the entire video shows the moon,..only audio.
My video was muted and I heard a man whispering something. It's just me and my mom in the house…
Lmao the lip licking hahaha
not all spirits are evil a young couple with their new born daughter bought a house and moved in and when they were sleeping with the baby monitor on when they heard they baby wake up and start crying then she switched to giggling and they were like what she doing when they got in the room she had a bottle and had been changed they freaked out and checked out the house even had the police come and they went through the house and nobody this kept happening and one day the dad was upstairs and he saw a old woman in the hallway she smiled and went into the baby's room he ran and found only the baby they kept seeing the old lady and then he called the former owner and he described her to him and he said it was his mother and he did not have to fear her she loved kids so they let her stay and they said she was the grandma to their daughter growing up they said they knew when they heard the monitor would go off she would cry then she would giggle and they never had to get up and their daughter loved her and when she grew up and became a adult the old lady went with her and now she helps with her baby so some might say she a angel
omg number 2 glowing fury thing if it glows yellow-ish then its something i saw a week ago trou my window
1:08 ghost busters,i mean darkness prevails afcorse
This is real or not
If I incouterd a ghost I would probably cuss it out
4 was dumb
Ghost why do you have scare me? What did I EVER DO TO YOU?!?
i think my mom is gay
Looked like poltergeist videos.