Hey boating fans! Due to some YouTube changes you’re going to (unfortunately for you and me) have to hear from us a little bit, I know you want to just sit back and enjoy the footage so we’ll keep the interruptions to a minimum! Some new types of videos were in the works already and we can’t wait to share them with you soon.
For even more fun check out our Facebook group Boat Fails of the Week!
Its Monday which means its time for Boat Fails of the Week!
We hope you enjoy this video, if you do please hit that like button and subscribe to our channel!
Check out this classic episode featuring an adventurous Russian boat rental company… https://youtu.be/pGjrSkYmun8
You’ll love our Instagram, it will keep your boat fail appetite satisfied all week long, check us out @badideaboating on IG
Click below to share and check out even more fails on our Facebook group!
00:00 Rental boat out of control at Lake Boca! @saltyseahunt
00:59 Sandcastle! @malochaps
01:10 The splinters…oof! @justmegdavy
01:23 New truck saves old truck @qualifiedokoboji
01:28 Man overboard! @miami.living.305
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVcZSdqhzjmOkN_9rXstb5g
02:01 Gangsta lean @drunk_boatworks
02:27 High and dry! @t_ems
02:32 Put your back into it! @cy-elizabeth kirk
02:42 Now that’s a fire! @finn_bylsma
02:46 Ran the tires off! @george_lutich_3 and @ryanlawlaw
02:58 Heads up! @klaver4
03:21 What’s going on here?? @landonyourface
03:36 Ouch! @bobyinmarseille
04:00 Teamwork makes the dream work! Sharla Hagedorn
08:29 MEMES
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#boatfails #epic #sinking
At first This lady commenting like that guy was going to save that boat from burning all the way…didn't matter it was toast way before that
Lol. Salty sea hunt
I love the chic @ 1:03 sitting in the boat, like the Queen waiting for her worker bees to free her to fly again lol then, there's gunna be some splinters @ 1:20 lmao
Could have been a lot worse, thank God she told everyone what to do.👩🚒👩🚒
I used to think Florida might be a good place to live. Not anymore. Too many idiots.
This is the best part of not owning a boat! These videos
Boaters worst nightmare…
More money than Brains
Ya know their called life jackets for a reason. Even if you know how to swim. Your an irresponsible boat captain for not making your passengers wear one.
If you put your bunks under water your too deep. You want two -three inches so your hull will catch the bunks to rest on. Then give it some onion to get the bow close to wench then wrench it up. Don’t ram the bow pontoon have a rest stuff gets expensive when you abuse stuff. Even for new boat owners.
2:47 looks like a jet ski on a sled
Thanks for the shoutout 1:28 mark
What part of every man for his own boat is teamwork? Nobody considered towing it out and away from all the other boats?
Push 'em back . . . push 'em back . . . waay back!
If I ever get a chance to tow a flaming boat I'm taking it.
Don't buy a boat made out of Napalm.
9.95 face plant
Literally started watching this channel because it didn't have the annoying commentator. Will check your next video but them I'm out.
What was guy @3:25 doing ? Washing his feet ?
Whe I go out of always thinking of the worst thing that could happen, and how I can make it more dangerous
get vaxxed yet u sellout?
Meme at the end is the best.hahahahaha
Kill switches are mandatory now:
This section provides information on Engine Cut-off Switches and propeller safety for both the Recreational Boater and Manufacturers.
On April 1, 2021 a new federal law goes into effect that requires the operator of a boat with an installed Engine Cut-Off Switch (ECOS) to use the ECOS link. The link is usually a coiled bungee cord lanyard clipped onto the operator's person, Personal Floatation Device (PFD) or clothing and the other end attached to the cut-off switch, but there are plenty of variations on the market, including electronic wireless devices. The law applies on all "Navigable Waters of the US".
When an operator is wearing a link while underway, the engine will cut-off if the operator is separated from the operating area, an occurrence that can happen if the operator is ejected from the vessel or falls within the vessel. The shutdown of the engine is essential for safety reasons. If the operator is ejected from the vessel, the shutdown may prevent the operator from impacting the vessel's spinning propeller, and may aid the operator in safely returning to the drifting vessel.
The law applies to "Covered Recreational vessels" which means any motorized boat with 3 or more horsepower that is less than 26 feet in length and takes effect on April 1, 2021.
With tragic events that have happened recently, In this entire video post I was mostly concerned about the big building at the very beginning that's located so close too the water.
3:21 is how you launch a sub.
Why do people just stand and watch. People should be helping rescue the other boats.
Oh man, that person who fell of the swing could have been killed, they hit their head hard!
Karen comments on the fire boat.thank goodness for her words of wisdom
All those outboards and no one thought to trim up and spray it to put out the fire 🤦🏻♂️
Back in the 1990’s the US Coast Guard Office of Recreational Boating Safety tried to get the states to implement a driver’s license system for boating. Two states (NJ & AL) actually put check boxes on the auto drivers license, but nothing really came of it. The pushback from the states was age restriction (teenagers) and not enough funds. Even though the USCG testified in front of Congress, Congress would not support it and the USCG does not have jurisdiction over non-federal waters (inland lakes). The closest it has come is some states require PWC (jet ski) operators to take a boating safety class but real no testing. So in the end, no accountability….
Toss a grappling hook or small anchor on it and drag it to open water to prevent further damage
Not a single person there threw an anchor onto the burning boat to hook on and pull it away. Every person for themselves, sad.
i think people come to a point where they have seen enough jack asses
When I worked a a hand for a timber company that rafted logs on the local rivers, all of the boats on the waterfront had boat hook poles strapped to every company vessel. Even an extension pole with a hook that can be collapsed would seem to be a handy item to carry on a recreational boat also. So much less likely to fall off or break an arm or used to push anything away from your vessel in an emergency.
They also come in handy when the new guy slips into the bay on his first day at the job. Just saying…
Last week off the coast of North Carolina guy went out 32 miles trolling by himself not attached to kill switch went over the side by the grace of God 45 minutes later another boat
saw an empty boat and intercepted then used GPS to backtrack and found the man before he drowned no life jacket either
" nothin to see here folks…go about ur business"
Way to help guys, smh
a simple dinghy anchor (with chain) thrown into the boat on fire would have enabled any one of those boats running out to tow the damn thing clear of everyone. Total lack of team work for the guys on their boats, just the ones on the dock.
If you throw an anchor in it and pull it out in the lake it would just burn out.
That hurts…
and not one boater trimmed up and tried to put it out….
Not too many of those glastron’s made
Lekker man lekker