Human activity is affecting the planet in dramatic, unsustainable ways — including destroying the habitats of wild animals. Considering our obligation to care for the creatures we’ve impacted, environmental writer Emma Marris dives into the ethics of wildlife management, zoos and aquariums, offering her thoughts on how we can help Earth’s wildlife flourish. (This conversation, hosted by TED science curator David Biello, was part of a TED Membership event. Visit ted.com/membership to become a TED Member.)
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Do these people think they’re smart when they talk?
hmmmm, wild animals are different from local animals.
Read “the trouble with wilderness”
"if we want to see animals happy we must do this or that"
are you aware about some little known problems in our society called homelessness, poverty etc? we should first start caring about making humans happy, and well do the animals next, deal?
What about dear meat for the polar bear
Fish doesn't think because fish KNOWS everything 😉
A lion will attack and eat you if hungry a gorilla will charge you if you invade there territory feed a polar bear it will hang around and probably eat your child animals in the wild will track you down and eat you if hungry a chimp in captivity will rip your face off birds do not track down and eat people
What wild animals are you actually talking about To save them you need dedicated sanctuaries if poached severe punishment like death sentence unless you cull a billion or so humans
Typically presenters on TED talks are intelligent and/or well-informed. She came across as neither. Too bad.
The Creator made the beasts and ADM named them. In the zoo they are captive but still wild. Dogs and cats have been domesticated, but the chimpanzee, for example, should never be a pet. // SHLM & HaB (peace & love). The Name of the Creator is Hayah asher Hayah, as what He told Moshah (Exodus 3:14), preserved in the Hebrew Scriptures. There is a curse to the G-o-d name (Isaiah 65:11-12), preserved in the Hebrew Scriptures. All followers of the Messiah are to do the 7 appointed times (Leviticus 23), but no more animal sacrifices, following the Crucifixion of the Messiah. We are now of the order of MLK TSDQ (King, righteous), to Whom ABRaHM tithed. Ask the Messiah to be your personal Savior. He is the Atoning Offering for mankind for the remission of sin ( 1 John 2:2). He said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). If you believe the Messiah died on the cross, & Resurrected three days later (presenting Himself as First Fruits to the Father), please ask Him to be your Savior. He is the ONLY way to Everlasting Life.
Simple answer no, animals are not wild, they are living with nature. Humans are wild, we don't live with nature and destroy nature/planet more and more every day.
Matthew 24:39 ^
And they had no care till the waters came and took them all away; so will be the coming of the Son of man.
All living creatures react to external stimuli. Does the fact that a stimulus is caused by human make that creature less wild? It depends on the nature of the stimulus I would say…
The market is more volatile by volatile everyday,I mean the market moves very fast
Because of the economic crisis and the rate of unemployment, now is the best time to invest and make money 💯
What about just reducing the human population and giving back more land to wild life?
Short answer.. all animals are wild, including us.
eating meat makes you a bad person
humans are %100 herbivore
I was talking about this to my husband the other about feeding the polar bears. I do think we need to take my responsibility. We can see that they are starving we need to feed them.
OMG it's Simone Giertz's older sister 😀
I feel there is an underlying assumption that humans are not part of nature. That we are outside of or above nature. We are not.
This topic is really important for us, here in Brazil, we have a lot of wild animals, mainly in the forest Amazon and Pantanal as well.
We owe animals the duty of Stewardship and stewardship in ideology, approach, title, and moral duty would make a great fundamental for a revised Green party (within the USA).
Crazy perceptions, opinions, suggestions — the result of uni(one) versity (message) education. This is for the programmed millennial brains.
That we are affecting the climate and habitats is unquestionable, and that we should be providing "wild" animals environments in which they can thrive, is also obvious. However, life is not easy or predictable. When we change the world, the results are not always clear. We desire to maintain the variety of life, but that needs to be balanced with the needs of people.
Wild animals are non-domesticated animals – easy
Wild means free from any sort of systematic conditioning, right?
We humans are afraid of anything with that level of absolute freedom.
Sometimes i felt that these "wild" animals have more humanity than the real humans.
All cats are wild. They just choose to be friends with humans.
Hope to see more movie
Try standing next to a hungry lion, you'll believe they're wild for a reason.
Whats next?! It's Apple really apple, why humans must talking talk aboat shitti things, better talk aboat our diing planet
In case you are unaware, Polar bears are one of the only animals who will actively hunt humans for food. Every year one or two people "feed the bears", tragically in northern Canada. They are wild animals!
Bitcoin is the future, investing now be the wisest decision any human can make now with the current rise
Absolutely incredible !
Climate change is caused by human hysteria. The real best solution is to have Tesla make electric wolves and polar bears.
Are wild animals really "wild"? Yes, it's clear from the name. It's wild. But this is definitely not contempt. From the perspective of man, it is a symbol. Man has plant nature and animal nature. Morality is the basic rule of being a man. Sometimes people do become real people, but sometimes they become wild animals, and sometimes people are more wild than wild animals. At this time, you can't say that they are wild animals, because this sentence has the meaning of disdaining wild animals, because people are more despicable and shameless than animals at this time. Please be careful. Man does bring behavior and temper to wild animals to achieve relationships and identity. Just as man has space, time and rules, wild animals also have space, time, action rules and laws. For example, tigers eat the meat of dead deer. Otherwise, it will be hunted by hunters, or he will fall to death from a high place, and so on… There must be a kind of punishment, which comes from one's own fault and violation of the law. Because the tiger has violated the animal law, it can only be called a wild animal when it finds out its own range. Other examples can also be taken to infer. It's really wonderful!
I wish this Ted talk would have more views. It’s very important but not a lot people are interested. 😞
l really intrested thx so much !
she is very good isn't she?
Plant based food for polar bears? GTFOOH!
Sending gratitude from a Daoist monastery near Seattle!
Is a man really a man if he nurses and suckles a mommy cow for baby's milk?
Man.. Ted talks get dumber by the day,
How do you tell people like this, everything that walks on this earth eventually dies, whether you interfere or not. Trying to interfere so you can feel good about yourself is another vanity chasing ventures for humans, make peace with your short unimportant life and live nature alone, or go disturb the balance but at least admit its due to boredom and not moral virtue.