MOST EMOTIONAL PET RESCUES 😢 | Compilation | Bondi Vet

MOST EMOTIONAL PET RESCUES 😢 | Compilation | Bondi Vet
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I’m not crying, you are! In Bondi, Chris races to help a dog that jumped out a moving car window; Scott treats traumatised dogs rescued from South Korea’s meat markets and; Alex cares for a puppy whose owner is in hospital after fighting off a vicious dog-attack.

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  1. Glad those dogs from Korea got saved I hope the all find/found homes. That poor little puppy and his owner glad the pup was ok and hope the owner was ok in the end. Where I live that big dog would be put down even if it had just attacked the pup and not bit the owner. These vets are Awesome live watching this show.

  2. Every day cows, pigs, and chickens are slaughtered on a "disassembly line," and no one makes a fuss. Cut up a chicken, put it in a bucket and we'll eat it in the car. But if someone is raising dogs for their meat, well then everyone loses their minds.

  3. While I definitely don't personally like the idea of eating dogs myself I don't think it's my right to question their culture, after all we eat rabbits that can be seen as pets and not food but it still happens. But good to see the dogs got treatment here in the UK.

  4. 25:39 it's either Snoopy is trying his best to stay in the conversation without falling asleep, or he has the best eye roll a dog could ever have. Seriously, that puts those stereotypical mean girls in movies to shame~ 😂😂😂

  5. This was for the lady with the dog that jumped lout the window. I as a dog nana myself. I think its very irresponsible to not have a harness. Coz now her dog is suffering because of her actions. Made me so angry. I take my boy everywhere I go and when I take him with me in the car. He is always harnessed with the window half down just so that doesn't happen, coz my boy doesn't like any other cats apart from our 2 cats. He chases other cats that try to come on our property. You really can't drop the ball when you own I dog. It's bad enough I get alot of crap for my boy being a pitty, but he's the sweetest boy ever and he's also my emotional support dog too.

  6. Taking different cultures into context and consideration, it’s more the cruelty towards dogs maybe* than eating them
    Human beings r eating meat since the world is world, ….sheep, cow, horse, monkey, shark, wild dogs, …
    Let just stop eating meat🥩🍖🍗

  7. It is a bit hypocritical though. Like I'm not a vegan but I'm sure a vegan would watch this like… "you're kidding, right?" Like every reason they described for it being horrible happens in factory farming situations with cows and pigs and chickens all the time, we just react more emotionally to it with dogs because we've deemed them more human, and put them in a pet-only class

  8. I understand the dog meat thing when it started as a result of hunger and needing something to eat but to have it be like an event where they're caused unnecessary pain is something else

  9. Naw Bubby I have a toy poodle Hus our world look at that poor little girls face they are so precious to us hope pup is ok , omg Leo does they he sleeps on mel my daughters bed when she goes to work I have to constantly call him out if the room but goes back there they are so loyal I can say more loyal then some human

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