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Have you ever seen some mysterious thing flying up to the ship right in broad daylight? Or a brave girl driving away three huge bears? Well, today, you’ll certainly see something new and unusual – you don’t even have to make yourself comfortable, as the next 10 minutes will fly by swiftly.
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Cringe-worthy narration
This guy's voice is annoying, mute the volume
The jet looks cool
The engine noise heard at 9:45 is that of a small 4-cycle lawn mower engine and clearly does NOT match what we're seeing!
the commentator is so corny
The smartest man had a 160 IQ. A genius has 140 and up.
"The next ten minutes will fly by." Says the narrator. What about the remaining 4 minutes and 55 seconds after? 🤔
Should not accept cash from these thieves selling these rip off worthless drones
11"15" Yes
Turn the sound down, much better without the annoying narrator
author needs to go back to comedy school or clown college.
Would have liked this WITHOUT the commentary
I think this prob new guy is Asian John
Why would you sit there and allow the carts to hit your car?
I like the narrator
That was fun to watch.
Thanks. Good stuff.
To narrator. You have the type of voice that should be doing movie trailer voiceovers. Lol good job
Too many vertical videos.
Way too many adverts
"Survalence Camera", its obviously a "Cat Scanner".
Love the duck on the mixer.
Sorry… couldn't finish.. commentator.. needs to work on 'timing'.. and techniques
That is a sideways tornado on that beach…
Maybe he wasn't in danger. Maybe he took that shot with a scope at a distance…
Those shopping carts gave me ptsd.A few years ago we had this sudden storm come out of no where. I had gone to the store. came out the sky was nearly night black. Half way home and wind and rain from hell, then tree branches and hail started hitting my car. I could barely see 3ft ahead and i was going very slow. Almost home and this shopping cart came flying in front of my car moving faster than those ones. We found out there had been a tornado touch down not far away. One of the scariest experiences. And my kids had locked the door and hiding in the basement i was left standing on the porch soaking wet, and hammering on the door.
Best larf on the Full Moon in Pisces which I'm now late for, but, thanks, Hey!
Wild shopping carts. Thank you for the Cart Narcs! Daring detectives correcting the bad behaviour of cart return lazybones! Whoop whoop skidledee be bop wee-ooo wee-ooo wee-ooo!!
Excuse me but the speakervoice sounds like he’s going on some kind of drugs, i get totaly stressed out of it!!!!
Who's the new commentary?
You fellas should head down to French Island in Port Philip Bay. They got bludy huge Mossies down there. There ok in 1s, but when 1 lands on 1 shoulder, an his partner lands on the other, and the first 1 says, Will we eat it here, or take you, your really up s*** creek in a barbed wire canoe!
The reality of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left"
I only counted 40
Just gonna say, I REALLY REALLY LOVE the enthusiasm in this commentary ‼️. He’s fabulous & want to hear HIM from now on. PAHLEEEZZZEEE
1:12 my husband could and definitely WOULD!! 😏
But the other voice……….don't need to go all in the video speak for themselves
Great work 👍.
The cat🐈 ; extra surveillance camera got me 😂😂😂
Good job with the voiceover, it makes it more fun to watch
uhh.thats not your voice..wth going on..are you so rich that you're giving other friends a chance..???
I want to know where to get one of those scare prank boxes! That could be a lot of fun.
Love the put on a "limb" pole
I love the “song” that was sung when the best dog captured that hefty stick! I’d like to hear that again! Tractor is disgustingly polluting out planet. We should ban all vehicles like that.
The thumbnail of this clip with the fighter plane. I wonder if anyone remembers the sonic booms from the sky, caused by pilots trying to break the sound barriers? Anyone?
The clip you showed with the F fighter. I'm glad you showed the whole clip?. On other channels like secureteam10 & that's impossible. They're try to calm its a UFO?. They make up so much BS.