Radio DJ drives an hour every day for months to visit a stray, wild pittie — she finally lets him pet her and it’s magic ♥️
Thanks to Danny and the rescue efforts at A SafeFurr Place Animal Rescue. Keep up with more of their work on YouTube:
thedo.do/asafefurrplace and Instagram: https://thedo.do/aspar.
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Thank you very much for sharing one of the greatest true life stories I've ever witnessed.
If the dudes last name is spanks that means mamas last name is also spanks. Mama Spanks. Hahahaha
Because of people like you…the world is a better place. Thank you
😭😭😭😭😭this channel gets Me every time
1min in :ok I'm not gonna cry
5 mins; i will not cry
6mins: i still not hysteracly cry
9min aaaaaaaaaaaaa😭😭😭😭
12 min : uncontrollably cryin
so happy that she found a humsn that is that amazing!!!
Ive been doing dog and animal rescues 30 years.
Danny hit the nail on the head when he gave his reasons for doing what he does in his spare time. They were my reasons also. He said it very well. I know what it means to go sit and lay out in the outside weather enduring rain and cold, heat & humility
for days & weeks, sometimes months.
Just to gain that little bit of trust. It's the greatest feeling to have a dog trust you enough to let you finally touch it, just a touch. It was heartbreaking & joyful to watch as Danny did all that and more for Mama.
It takes great love, care and dedication to do this.
It sometime takes sacrificing to do just a little more. In the hopes that that magic moment happens. To see a dog fully recover and learn to love and trust humans again and have a better life is the Best!
God bless all the critter rescuers all over the world.
She is beautiful and so are you.
humans aren't so bad,oh yes they are
God bless your beautiful heart their are good people in the world. Hope she finds a loving home keep up the good work .. 🐶🐶🐶
I did a similar trick with a kitten that kept coming to the edge of my yard. At 1st I'd place a bowl of kitten chow in the yard and sit about 10 feet or so away. After about a week I'd slowly moved myself closer to the bowl. Finally she was eating within 3 ft of me. I couldn't touch her yet. After about 2 weeks of this we moved up to hotdogs. She got to where she would sit about 5ft from me as I threw pieces of dog to her.
Then I started moving closer to the porch steps once there she started getting closer and even taking the hotdogs from my hand. Mind you this took almost a month. Every time i heard her at the weed line I'd head out.
Finally she got comfortable enuff to lay in my lap, eat hotdogs and kitten chow and take naps. After a week or so of this my wife and i worked out a signal for when i was gonna try to bring her in. I put on the gloves I had beside me while she was asleep, called my wife to hold the door open. I grabbed her and stood up, her 1st action as a new family member was to bite thru my leather gloves. I got her in the house and sat her down so my wife could attend to my wounds.
Naturally we didn't see her for a while, we'd done this before, we figured like most feral kittens she'd found a place to hide and sleep. Wrong. She'd found a hole in our house that we didn't know about. We figured it out when we saw her sitting in the front yard.
This time i just walked out in the yard and she came to me, I picked her up and made it to the front door, just as I opened the door she bit me again. This was more of a nip, so my wife followed her and found the hole, after she got out again. The next time we saw her she was sitting on the porch and walked through the door on her own. We named her Abbie.
Now comes the more bizarre part of the story. She acted and played like 3 or 4 month old kitten, but she was the size of an 8 week old. After she'd been inside a month or so she started eating a lot. I'd seen other ferals do this with free standing food and water, a comfy bed helps too. The problem came when she started putting on weight, it wasn't where it should have. Her bulge was way too high to be fat but she was way too young to be pregnant. We were discussing taking her to the vet, I wish we would have. Remember she was a small cat. About a week later I hear grunting and licking so i started to get up when I noticed my leg was wet. What I'd found was she'd already had 4 kittens in my bed. I got up, moved the kittens to a towel and found a box for Mom. When I brought her out to the box she really didn't show any attention to the kittens. When i returned after tearing the sheets off the bed she was on the floor having another one. I stayed with her and that's when I noticed the problem. I hadn't looked at the kittens other than just a quick count. When this one finally came out I noticed it wasn't fully formed, it didn't even have eyes yet. To make the whole thing worse is that the last kitten born was breech. I don't know if you've been around a breech birth but there's a lot of hissing, growling, and claw swinging and everyone bleeds (same with women). The last kitten born was the most formed. I checked the rest and they were all about the same except they didn't make it.
Now to make it worse I checked mom for feeding nozzles because kittens need to eat soon. Damn it, she didn't have any. I know it's best if a kitten gets it's 1st meal from mom but it wasn't possible. Also i don't keep replacement formula around the house, I had syringes and bottles and nipples but no formula. My wife was coming home in a couple hours which is about the same time it would take for me so I went to the interweb and found one that used ingredients I had. I kept it alive for close to 6 hrs.
I will admit i cried like a baby. For her and her kittens. The experience effected her badly, she walked around the house calling for them even though she was completely unprepared for motherhood. She didn't have experience or even milk to feed. Abbie is still with us she's about 7 years old now but only about 2 inches taller. She's a good cat she was sleeping on my lap a few minutes ago.
F**k the 202 Bitter Bettys and their thumbs down…geez…this is great…
man youre a great person!!!!!!!
All I can say is Wow! What a great human!
202 dislikes?
Pls let me knw when going indoor happen
Beautiful eyes, thanks for ur kindness
Who TF could dislike this video?!
Blessings to you and mama❤️
Women, this is the kind of man you want in your life…not some dickhead with a fancy car….
Beautiful story.
Made me cry like a Baby,. I love seeing wonderful people doing God's work,. 🙏❤🙏
Love you 🥰🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wonderful 🙏💖🌞💖🌞💖💖💖
That's how it starts
Little steps to big bonds
You made Mama happy
Mama made you happy
Kudos to Danny Spanks for rescuing sweet Mama and teaching her to love and trust humans again! Mama is a beautiful girl, and I wish them lots of happiness.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dangit…I teared up at the end.
Good daddy, momma, good daddy. Thank you for what you do. Love and happiness Jo Ann in Mississippi
I need this kind of commitment
The yts really do miss slavery.
You are such a beautiful soul…This video made me cry…She has the most amazing eyes…I hope she will be with you for a very long time
Waiting for my patient radio dj 🥲
I don't care what anybody say pitbulls dare a loving dogs just keep one not two or three might become an issue trying to impress you they might do something stupid they don't know anything they just like to impress you
Don't forget I got a pitbull myself goodnight love my cookie
Blow you take our freedom away from her she doesn't look so happy
Now this is a guy with a big heart.
She looks very healthy to be wild..she didnt seem agressive at all just very timid..so glad she gained ur trust <3
Thank you for Helping
I wonder if another dog could help her get comfortable enough to enter the house?
Wow wow wonderful human and amazing dog.
Omg Mr.Danny🥰🥰 She was meant to be your girl, I loving and gentle you are with Mama❤🤗 it 's people like you that gives me hope in this cruel world..Thank you,thank you 🙏❤
Love this..i do this with feral cats it's a long process to gain trust but worth it. I feed 13 on a daily basis.
This is a real man…
I just saw the most beautiful short movie of my life….
Has to be the most charming story. The DJ's patience is so beautiful. And she's totally gorgeous. Thank you, blessings to all.
What a beauty
It made me cry. So much love ❤️
What a great man. We need more people in this world that has your love, compassion and dedication to rescuing dogs. God Bless you🙏🏻❤️
Such a beautiful love story between a dog and a man. I've seen the original footage where it took for him 18 months until he captured mama. Talk about dedication!