crew: BFM (Blood For Money)
cord: discord.gg/bfm
group link: https://www.roblox.com/groups/7851632/Blood-For-Money#!/about
1st song: spaceship by playboi carti
2nd song: ski by young stoner life
3rd song: ok im cool by p4rkr
4th song: ctrlaltdelete by bones
thumbnail made by: genoskee
yoo Julian your soo good at this game. Whats your user? I would love to join you in a game and also follow you.
Nice aim you king😘
this the best vid i evr seen of the air shots
i cant do the stuff you do cause they always has to be a exploiter or a aimlocker 🙁
The songs please
Julian what r the songsss??
3:55 pov: rich girl squad
guys? why is julian's roblox profile page blocked?
@pain got fucked
why is it always the rich girl with korblox and sshf that has the shitty wifi when there fit cost more than 1k
this is good
I genuinely think Julian is the best da hood player, his skill is just unmatched compared to other pro players, he even beat Kimbladi in 1v1s multiple times, and his strategies for avoiding death and aligning the angle so he can get that last bullet airshot is just unmatched and amazing.
POV : you think you pro after watch ppjulian and just getting slapped at da hood
''eat eat eat'' bozo really had to tak 3 min to get him
1:51 "eat eat eat" didn't you get airshoted?
You kill hell lol pro continued pls im big fan 5:18
This guy is a scammer caught 4K exposed. Check my Channel For Proof
show us ur hand cam
I need a teacher like this rn
aye julian one of best players but that music kinda trash sorry i gotta say it because it is 🙁 but no hate its just the songs garbage
i love these
Yeah ok this dude has my respect, 100 ping? I barley hit shots w 80
Are well gonna talk ab him beating hell and his friend/fan
I rewatched all your vids and realized you have improved so much. Keep it up man you're a legend.
Im mobile but i want ur moverment, i often get scared and moving like my grandmother
Have u ever got banned on roblox on this account?
The best dh star player 👌🏼🔥
you were trolling when you put this song aint no way bro
I really wish you would’ve used the slowed+reverbed version of spaceship
5:01 this kid named iluvgolden rlly missed those shots. how do you miss a shot while someone is walking straight.
First song name
that one girl was really looking for some validation "eat eat eat"
pin if bfm gives u lock in 1 day 😹🙏
5:15 when he kills hell
100+ ping too W
im really good at dh and want to get star but i don’t what discord sever to join but, i would appreciate if we played da hood sometime julian
Look at that wanna be hell 5:14
1:51 "eat eat eat" when they had the whole damn server shooting at u