Celebrities Who Almost Died

Celebrities Who Almost Died
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Even though they’re constantly surrounded by security and publicists, celebrities can still end up in freak accidents. All of these stars had their lives flash before their eyes, often at the height of their fame, but thankfully they all survived. Many have been able to work their experiences into their art, even if it took a long time to make a return to normalcy. From the comedian who says he saw God while he was in a coma to the singer whose near-death experience was truly stranger than fiction, let’s take a look at a few celebrities who almost died in accidents.

#RyanReynolds #KanyeWest #Celebs

Ryan Reynolds | 0:00
Tracy Morgan | 0:58
Mariska Hargitay | 1:53
Eminem | 2:37
Joaquin Phoenix | 3:20
Kanye West | 4:21
Sarah Silverman | 4:58
Ellie Goulding | 5:52
Leonardo DiCaprio | 6:28
Gary Busey | 7:53
Sharon Stone | 8:55

Read Full Article: https://www.nickiswift.com/12886/celebrities-survived-brushes-death/


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About the Author: Nicki Swift


  1. only time I would try suicide from keeping myself beating women's face in is the only time i would try i. This is what you get if you don't let me leave the door instead of beating ur face in. I am taking my own life right in front of ya bitch how that sound to you. No need to fight over shit crazy ass bitche's. What can I say I am a real man who don't hit female's rather take my own life then fight about shit with crazy ass bitches that love to start problem's with me don't let me leave then I be glad to record it show that I am being defenseless then go to the crazy ass bitche's level. Hey I had a ex I almost jump out a fourth story window. Cause the bitch won't let me leave she saw me do some thing on my phone and i open a window cause the bitch was blocking the door on me so I can't leave. I almost jumped out head first she did not wanna be in court with my dead body on her hand's that's how you fix shit.

  2. I broke my jaw like Kanye and I’m a counselor 😂 was able to work and go back to work and talk without moving my teeth a week after surgery

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