Seeker joins filmmaker Dylan Roberts on a journey to the Haitian city of Jérémie, and the small village of Manish, to witness the aftermath of a colossal storm.
In the early-morning hours of October 4th, 2016, Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti, leaving widespread damage to the island nation in its wake. Despite huge relief efforts from aid organizations, the storm has devastated the country’s infrastructure. Without adequate access to healthcare, education and a crumbling economy the people of Haiti are once again trying to rebuild after yet another natural disaster.
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Necktied Haitians https://youtu.be/PapRb49S4Ec
"YAHUUAH TSEVA'OTH Can Help Y'all Need To Call On Hem Now Not Later On cause by then it might be too late"
No nie które narodowości są poprostu złośliwe
DMH COMMISSION talk about it in the presidency
Tell them stop waisting their money on failed programs and ask about my deposit into the state.
Did anyone realize this is a 360 video, you can move the screen around to interact.
Great Video! Apologies for chiming in, I am interested in your opinion. Have you thought about – Mahorrla Surviving Help Method (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a great exclusive product for protecting your family during a national crisis minus the headache. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my cousin finally got astronomical results with it.
Ya Allah ampunilah dosa kami semua yang setuju like.
When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.
Is there any country that is as unfortunate as Haiti?
In poverty, and hit by disasters, some of the damages worth MORE than its annual GDP three times (maybe many more considering what counts)…
SOOOO How many years later Haiti is still a SHIT HOLE! With 300 million dollars donated from the Clinton Obama admin and as of today HAITI is still a giant shit ? You may want to sue the Clintons and Obama !! Thank Me later !!
this is sad
Now i can Roleplay On fallout!
So many people are born in hell
Shit, I'm glad I don't live there.
Wait a second, puerto rico is just next to haiti, haven't they been affected too ?
Nice channel
I have been to haiti once me before it in 2014 wow i feel so bad
The kid at @1:56 trying to him/herself
Hey. Yo
2nd comment
Situation there really is terrible, hope it gets better soon