Phil, from Life With Malamutes, has been by his human baby sister’s side from the moment she was born. Watch the moment he tucks her in during bedtime 💙
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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I love love love this video.
He treats her like his own daughter ❤
This breed is still inherently wild, even though its trained. Not smart to have it this close to infants and small children.
Wild animals are still unpredictable. And children are defenseless.
I hope they won’t find a home for the dogs .when the baby arrives and sometime after .
It so beautiful wonder of wonderful
to watch… so dear so much care
Love Thank you for sending…
❤💕a little kiss to little adorable
Dogs respect life
This was the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time!
Smartness and awareness is a curse , being stupid is easy and happy
I bet that house smells good and is really clean… NOT!
why the dislikes?
Weird animal.. Haram
'Worlds Safest Baby' so true!!!!
🙂 this has made my day!
I wanted to cry seeing such faithful love!
These videos always bring a smile to my face. Keep up the good work
The thing is really impressive. Seems that dog's talking with the baby. 🥺
You have a wonderful pets.
And consuming dog meat in Asia is still legal. These creatures are the best.
The thinkable regret endoscopically tip because jeep algorithmically bake on a nappy south america. heavenly heavy hellish, last washer
I wouldn-t wanna cross the baby when the giant saints are next to her… just amazing, dogs are the best ever. and I will always prefer them to "humans"…
A bit too much cloying projection in this idealised, curated-for-the-internet life. "i think he's tucking her in!"
Dog doing the opposite.
Brought tears to my eyes.
Don't woof
I wonder somehow dogs might know if there’s a baby in there, it’s so cute!
Reminded me of dog's purpose movie ❤️
Wonderful. ❤️
Actually that's dangerous more than cute. The dog can suddenly bite or hit so it's very very risky and also the risk of getting any bacteria from the dogs saliva better to keep dogs away from Pregnant Women and babies.I don't understand what's wrong with western people. Crazy they are
Don't woof
Such great dogs! Congratulations on your baby
Is this the same Phil who didn't want to bath?
Such an emotional video. The bond between all the family members and animals is so natural. Aren’t dogs a lil bit overweight? Sorry
This is just the sweetest ! I’m shocked with all the hands down. What’s wrong with people ? They are probably the helicopter parents who start prepping for college when their precious kid ( 🙄) is only 12! Kids benefit from the love of animals and being raised in faith which is dwindling too!
Phil, I want a Phil just like that one.
The thing that that baby isn’t scared of them even tho they are so big is the sweetest thing.💕
How can a human be a sister to a dog?
the dog is soooooooooooooooo cute
Stop this dog please. It could get out of hand
Why would you allow the dog to leak your stomach
We just don't deserve dogs man.
This contrasted to "Man's Inhumanity to Man" is extremely revealing…
Such amazing dogs! And please make them loose some weight, for the sake of the dogs health!
Having a dog as a friend is better than keeping a friend but a dog
Love dogs !! All time i'm watching this images…i can easily understand reason…
Two gentle giant fur balls.
Dogs have a great intuition and wanting to protect babies and their humans. I just love how sweet and alert they are to the baby . I’m sure she will love those pups forever.
Congratulations! I love my husky’s. So well behaved with the baby. Enjoy them all!