The Flash has to use his SUPER SPEED to escape the natural disasters that are taking over the world in Roblox!!
Capi Reacts – https://bit.ly/3rRW8CU
Twitter – https://bit.ly/3yZrRGe
Instagram – https://bit.ly/39PVTAE
Outro Music – Natalie Graham
Game – https://www.roblox.com/games/189707/Natural-Disaster-Survival?refPageId=cea34001-4bc2-4c17-9987-523401e3b80e
I. Love. You
Interesting lol
hi capi
I have played that game before
Can you play murder mystery 2
bruh covid
That is like corona virus.
natural disasters is my fav roblox game i play it everyday
Captain capi congratulations u have 50k sub I’m proud 😃
The dislikes are from the people the flash couldnt save
Update 6
Btw new update coming this week or next week
Please do some ssj simulator captain
I love capos vids he is the best youtuber ever I will really like him to comment on this it will make my dream!
That is Naruto
That is not Goku that Naruto
I just want to say
Capi! Sooner or later monster zero on kaiju universe is gonna have a remodel so be sure to check that out also your gonna nead all kaijus to unlock it except destroyah! So be sure to play kaiju universe:)) please for me I wanna see you play as ghidorah in kaiju universe:) pleaseeeee
Captain Capi pLS Play tornado alley'
You make my day once again!!!
Captains crew for life!!!!!
You know why I can't visit him in roblox its because he lives in USA and I live in indonesia
The virus means Connor virus
Thank you for bringing back this game love it more now because you brought the flash
Who do like more flash or sonic?
Thumbs up face is funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ayo capi, play prior extinction in the next vid please.
Captain capy can you please find me my username is jordy9173 videos so much keep up the good work
Pls play super saiyan simulator 2
I love capi