25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation. Today, we take a look at these 25 unsolved that cannot be explained.
Mysteries fascinate many of us. Each year, investigators cover many puzzling events, artifacts and discoveries that leave them scratching their heads as to what could be the cause. Many of these mysteries have been explained as the years have passed, and even more have been met with a general consensus as to their cause to be otherwise considered entirely solved. Yet, there are several strange mysteries that have yet to be solved in the modern day, and it is these impossible to explain enigmas that have left us wanting answers.
So today, we’ll be taking a look at 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.
Thank you for watching!
Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
Cern & the collider should be shut down before they do damage that can’t be reversed in our atmosphere
I think if NASA are hiding information about ufos and aliens it's for our own good because I believe we are not ready.
His voice & tempo are perfect for sleeping, wierd dreams though🤣 seriously, I love the show
Sound like Elon Musk is testing out his Ironman suit. So we have 10 years until Thanos comes to attack the world.
And Miley too?? Fake fake fake fake fake fake. These famous people are fake pawns to mislead people. I myself saw 2 very obvious ufos at once flying around each other and I was with my beat friend at the time so I know I wasn't crazy someone else saw it. But these type of people publicly claiming such things proves they're a deception.
If the American government is openly saying ufo need to be investigated then they're fake. Everything they say is a lie or the opposite with the intent to mislead the public.
Blue Beam
A.I. has already taken over and the "aliens" and ufos we see are them and they have come backand forth from the present to tge past and the future to work together in the battle against humans.
looks like a para-sail …
Space debris as it comes in to focus takes time , well it should take the same amount of time to go out of focus
Your mic is hot. Those s's are killing my ears.
Do not deny the truth for you any more
That my friend is honestly a big ship
I'm getting SG-1 flashbacks.
Making Bigfoot great again!!!!
Bigfoot for trump
I see you ! thats what im talkin about "does not mean " 1:09:50 THANK YOU KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
Swamp Gas. It's the answer to all mysteries. Mostly.
.+*+. Another one Here That plays your videos every night to wide down and G0 to Sleep 💤 😴
Thank you love.
I love the huge compilations yall put out. I put em on at night and 🥱🥱😴😴😴. Then n the mornin I replay it. Yall are great.
There needs to be a strong hold on CERN when it comes to dangerous experimentation with all scenarios looked at from a danger to mankind point of view so as not to accidentally open either a black hole or a window into another dimension. Really!
I believe they've experimented with bringing the ancient back through cloning. I would if I had the tech
I agree I’m another victim of his something voice, I can just let it play and I’ll doze right to sleep. Love it
Pause it at 1:03:42… in the upper right side of the tank, you can see what looks like the reflection of another face, perhaps the actual mermaid, not sure but you can most certainly see a face. Actually the video zooms in, keep your eyes on that section and you will see it. Actually at 1:04:39 you can clearly, very clearly see the actual face, and eyeball. Pause at these times, especially 1:04:39, cock your head to the right slightly, look at the upper right corner. The dark circular section is what would be the creature's left eye, the half moon dark section being the mouth, and a flattened nose area.
Realize a person in a jet suit can be released at altitude from a plane and decend
Not sure if anyone knows this, but, The Hydron Collider can potentially make small black holes. And a black hole the size of a dime has enough gravity to swallow this planet. Just an FYI
Almas, thermal imaging should help track them down if anyone had any interest.
Please do one on near death experiences. I had covid back in January 17th of 2020. I almost died, I woke up on a ventilator and feeling very apologetic towards my family for all the wrongs I'd done, and I vowed to myself to make a positive change. It all stemmed from what I heard and saw while I was knocked out on propofol. I saw the news in my room and everyone was dying from what I thought was something with Corona beer, I couldn't comprehend. But, I was spared. Now I live for every day and an grateful. So could you please do one on that or chosen ppl. Thank you.
To bad the aliens didnt aubduct demi and miley.
How do you guys know we have not had contact with other beings? Because the government told you so???? After I caught them lying to me in my school books, I no longer believe what they say. If important to me I research it then determine if right or wrong
No it's not a shadow figure on the ship considering u can see it's features