4 Mountain Lion Encounters You Should Never See (Part 3)

4 Mountain Lion Encounters You Should Never See (Part 3)
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Welcome to the spookiest channel on youtube! Here are 4 very scary mountain lion/cougar encounters caught on camera you should never see (part 3)

Make sure to like and subscribe for more creepy animal encounter compilation videos!

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one!

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Watch the FULL mountain lion encounters playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdBgzVyf-UY&list=PLqREUt1n_PzcTiXjUNox2lxzzF4DnXpCQ

Credit to the owners of these clips!:
#4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn-7nbU9xho
#3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y54z0Z4F4U
#2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WvQRKz1cc4
#1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74N2Ym_EJtE

In this compilation video, we go over multiple clips that range from mountain lion attacks, cougar encounters and even puma spottings. What makes these ”caught on camera” moments so scary is the fact that they were filmed in remote areas like a forests, arizona or california desert or even national parks.

We feature a clip where dogs attack a mountain lion (dog vs cougar), a man gets stalked by a mountain lion on Vancouver Island, a coyote tries to attack a cougar and some hunters encounter a large mountain lion.

These wild cats can be very scary. Some of these creepy videos even feature moments where people were chased down by these animals, which are known to attack or stalk people who are out camping, hunting or mountain biking in the wild.

These mountain lion vs man moments are sure to give you the chills and the fact that some people were lucky enough to capture these near death experiences on gopros or on tape makes it even crazier. Some of these have even gone wrong.


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About the Author: Claws


  1. All I saw in this clip was 2 dogs and 4 humans who all could have gotten there asses kicked at any time. Also, I'll never understand why so many people either live near or venture out into the wilderness with known predators like this and not have a gun on them. If they are that stupid let them get eaten…natural selection.

  2. "the Mountain Lion becomes desperate for a way out"…. That Cougar could've killed those dogs rather quickly at any time it chose too. That Husky wouldn't have stood any chance, the Shepard a little better off but still no match at all for a large cat like that.

  3. I like how toy always say “we don’t know the outcome” or “hopefully he got out of there safely”… It’s quite obvious they more than likely got to safety because the videos are on the internet 😂 Unless the lions own a laptop and a usb cable 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. So annoyed with that #4 idiot filming and not chasing away the mtn lion… man up, don't make your dogs fight your fight. You own a property so defend it. You adopted dogs so protect them.

  5. I have two caucasian ovcharkas and a kangal, those can take down small bears solo. A mountain lion wouldnt have a chance in hell in a 1v3, plus I could just call them back and sling some lead at its ass

  6. you over exaggerate everything. not to be a hater but most of these videos rack up to us humans being stupid and going and doing things we shouldn't.

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