Welcome to the scariest channel on youtube! Here are 6 scary crocodile encounters caught on camera you should avoid watching (part 5)!
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Watch the FULL crocodile encounters playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDW80JRAkuE&list=PLqREUt1n_PzfaE4Fupxqr-prN5SfXP1Iu
Credit to the owners of these clips:
#6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGt49KD1CBI
#5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBDhJc8qplA
#4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ_T67gj7aU
#3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acwIavPfLN8
#2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjYpLIdhabo
#1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUwQbo6RpAk
In this compilation video, we go over multiple clips from saltwater crocodile attacks and alligator encounters. What makes these ”caught on camera” moments so scary is the fact that they were filmed in remote areas like rivers, swamps, lakes, billabongs in Texas, Florida Everglades or even Australia.
We feature a clip where people in brazil get chased by a crocodile, teenagers in Florida almost get attacked by an alligator, fishermen catch and alligator, and youtuber Bluegabe goes paddleboarding in gator infested waters. Other clips feature moments where people were attacked, almost bitten, chased and charged by these animals.
Scary animal encounters with crocodiles and alligators are actually way more common than you might think. They often happen to people who are swimming, fishing, kayaking, paddleboarding, boating or duck hunting.
It just turns out that some of them were lucky enough to capture footage of these near death experiences that almost went wrong on camera and go pro. This leads to some very creepy videos and ”man vs crocodile” moments.
Get ready, because these alligator vs man moments could easily be considered near death experiences are sure to give you the chills.
DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to clawsforbusiness@gmail.com.
Which clip freaked YOU out the most?👇
Why do people think alligators and crocodiles are slow
Just like the media they make these videos 100 times worse then they are if not even scary at all just normal life and reality not a little simps life living in moms basement
Anyone dumb enough to paddle board or kayak with gators or crocs, especially with their dog, are wasting this planets oxygen and taking up unnecessary space and resources. If it wasn’t for modern advancements, natural selection would have taken them a long time ago
Yes we have alligators here in Texas. The state of Florida does have crocodiles though, but they are not aggressive like salt water or Nile crocodiles though. That first video was of caimans, which happens to be their version of our American alligators. People are more dangerous than the gators.
number 4 . why did he go there. Are he stupid?
Don't be stupid
I spotted 2 more gators on the last one
These creatures are so awesome I have respect for all living things
The first group could have easily been the crocs meal of the day
All of the crocodiles are gators
a good smack over the head wit a log would send this thing running for its mom 💀
Not a single one of these was even remotely scary.
''6 Crocodile Encounters You Should Avoid Watching (Part 5)'' Dude do you want views or not?
Title should be when di..heads meet gators and crocs. Not a brain amongst them.
“Bravely” ha more like stupidity
I'm so disappointed with that brother has he not seen horror movie?
RISKA crocodile from Indonesia,wild but tame, living in the mouth of the river
I from of brazil this crocodile is scary haha
Too be fair, the 1st one: They just wanted a couple sandwiches from their picnic. The 2nd wasn't a crocodile and wanted some of their pot, alligators love to get high. 3rd, I had no idea their were gators in texas, so i have nothing to say. The 4th one wanted to use the fishing pole, but with reptile logic, he thought the hook was how he pulled in humans. 4th, the gators is North Carolina are sick of humans, they moved from the everglades into the mountains, and are tired of people taking all their fish. Understandable. The fifth gator encounter; He was sleeping and the guy brought four-legged gator bait along with him. There was no 6th encounter..
Alligator I love alligator I love they kill 😈
You convinced me. I won't watch it…
There are no crocodiles in Brazil.
They are bloody alligators. Huge difference
I hate this guys voice
people who thinks they can be friends with alligator needs a serious beating
i dislike when people ride into gator infested water ..with their dog 🙄
Click bait !
Thats why you live in Sweden
A line breaking because a 200 pound gator was on the line is hardly surprising. In fact it’s pretty much expected
These suck
2:50 the way it starts tho
2:52 that sfx tho
3:10 another one
6:10 look at this mf
in the first video, the number 6, they wasnt afraid of his life, they was calling for the crocodile, and bilieve or not, she say to the corc stop, and he did (portuguese is my first language)
Stupid video
What’s interesting is what happens when they stop recording. We don’t know if they actually do go on there day or they venture back to the same spot but just don’t get as close. And it’s all fun and games until you get close enough or think you’re far enough away from the gators/crocs
People are so irresponsible with those killers
Curious. In the lakes and ponds by houses and on golf courts what do the Gators eat?
Chilling? Mehhh. Too boring. Nobody got hurt. I was expecting some blood.
Michelle Obama is a man
Not one is a crocodile
"Youtuber accompanied by his little dog" haha what could go wrong?? Lol
Having an alligator in a residential pond is unsettling