CHECK OUT https://www.culinarybackstreets.com and use coupon code “FOODRANGER10” for 10% off any of their amazing street food tours around the world! Huge thanks to Culinary Backstreets for this amazing tour of Istanbul! They offer incredible street food tours like this all around the world! Go check them out!
Today, we’re going for another FULL ON street food adventure with Culinary Backstreets through Istanbul, Turkey, with their amazing guide Benoit! This is part 3 of 4!
Go follow them on Instagram:
Culinary Backstreets: https://www.instagram.com/culinarybackstreets/
Benoit: https://www.instagram.com/benanket/
Today, we’re going for 5 amazing locations through Istanbul in this part 3 of 4 Istanbul street food tour for some of the BEST Turkish Street Food in the world!!!
First up, Benoit is taking us to the most amazing Beyran shop, this is one of the most delicious foods in Istanbul.
Shop Name: Dürümcü Emmi
And next up, we’re going to see the most unique street food in Turkey, the Sirdan! This one looks very interesting, but it is not what it seems.
And next up, we’re watching the making of Kadayif, one of Turkey’s most famous sweets!
Shop Name: Başak Tel Kadayıf
And next up, we’re going to watch the making of Turkish Manti, AKA Turkish Dumplings, these were so delicious!!
Shop Name: sayla manti
And next up, we’re going to go have the most amazing lamb’s head salad!
Shop Name: kadikoy kelle sogus muammer
And to finish up the day, we’re going to go see the making of Cig Kofte, a raw meatball loaded with spices!
Shop Name: Kilisli Fiko
I hope you enjoy the FULL ON street food tour of Istanbul Turkey with CULINARY BACKSTREETS! CHECK OUT https://www.culinarybackstreets.com and use coupon code “FOODRANGER10” for 10% off any of their amazing street food tours around the world!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefoodranger
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoodRanger
Insta: https://instagram.com/thefoodranger
I hope you enjoyed this video, more of a street food tour than a Buzzfeed video!!!
► My Food Blog: https://www.thefoodranger.com/
►How to Grow on YouTube: https://www.thefoodranger.com/how-to-grow-your-youtube-channel/
► My TubeBuddy Review (helped me grow this street food channel!): https://www.thefoodranger.com/tubebuddy-review/
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The Food Ranger Trevor James Instagram:
► https://www.instagram.com/thefoodranger
►My Street Food Blog: https://thefoodranger.com
Thanks to Culinary Backstreets https://culinarybackstreets.com for the awesome tour!! You can get 10% off any of their world wide food tours (like this one) using the coupon code "FOODRANGER10" ! We had an awesome time in Istanbul with them! Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoy the video!!! This was a lot of fun!!! Hope you're doing well! This is part 3 of 4 of our Istanbul street food tour with Culinary Backstreets!!
Food ranger my humble request even if d host refused payment could u discreetly request if they can provide u with d prices for éach set of dishes etc , fir d sake of us ur ardent followers. Who knws Mayne someone we can also visit d country and try out d recommended cuisines etc. Cheers take cre
I do not eat raw foods. I eat cooked foods.
I love Turkish kebabs with rice.
I love Turkish beef dumplings and Turkish beef Parata.
I like Turkish kebabs.
I like Turkish meats and poultry’s and rice and Turkish desserts.
In New Zealand we call those
"Tero Teros"
Can be cooked in boiling water with Puha or watercress m Dough boys, or in a Hangi stuffed with stuffing ..
SFH ♦️🤙
The special surprise at the end… ‘ you’re gonna get hungry 🥺’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Food Ranger should change his title to, : Tried to pay but free".
Why no ratings scale anymore?
Is there anything he does not eat? This man eats everything and anything!!!
“Ahhh it’s looks painful” 😭😂😂
Awesome video Boss 👌
Tasty looking food Trevor & culinarybackstreets I liked this video yes!!!!👍😅
Gaziantep 'Beyran çorbası' is the best — if you really want to enjoy the best beyran çorbası and some real Turkish/Kurdish goodies then MUST visit Gaziantep 🇹🇷
All look so yummy!!!
You can tell they did not enjoy eating the lamb stomach. You could not pay me enough…
I would eat all the things Tevor has tasted. My taste buds are very adventurous.
6:20 was that a Penis?. I'm going to throw up
That thumbnail lol
Where is the Rating?
That lamb stomach could of fool.me.lolzzzzz
You arent giving anymore points 1 to 10 I liked that very much
Is that a d….k???? Did you eat it????
I from Bangladesh I love turkey and food as well.. ❤
Who wants food ranger give grades ti the food 🇬🇧🇬🇧💕💕
Why haven't you been grading food?
7:07 Trevor keeps laughing as Shirdan looks like something else but the chef does not get why Trevor keeps laughing and asks “what’s wrong? Are you crazy?” 😂😂
In this episode, the dishes were a revelation… Never thought meat could be cooked with Friction…
Eşo verdi coşkuyu hahaha