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In response to the criticism that our previous Killer Whale Show Gone Wrong video shows nothing going wrong here is the video broken down for you to see exactly what went wrong.
One Ocean killer whale show from 29th March 2018 which went slightly wrong during the ‘Side by Side’ section of the show when the whales starting fighting instead of performing as planned.
Playbacks and closeups included as well as subtitles throughout the trainers explanation of the Orca aggression.
As explained by the staff, the fight was a rise against the dominant whale, however, she fought back and fundamentally laid a bite on the tail on the other whale before the staff managed to intervene.
This small show of aggression from the whales just goes to show how powerful these amazing animals are!
2018 was the last time we will attend an Orca/killer whale show. It was extremely uncomfortable to watch. It is good news that Seaworld will no longer breed the orcas. We hope there will be a stop to the performances soon with the Orcas moved to a more appropriate sanctuary as done with Beluga whales.
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He handler that like a G.
Guys want a safer place with no kidnapping like SeaWorld! It's in Niagara falls i5s the augaurium I that area they have eshows and take good care my uncle works there! Plus help take down SeaWorld
Tbh I wouldn't sit close to the tank I'd sit more near the top , like why would I sit next to the KILLER whales
SeaWorld needs to be shut down
They belong in the ocean to be with their family and not in captivity to play like a clown to entertain humans. How about empathy for them? How do they feel? They have to finally free them and close such shows like that forever!
Has anybody ever thought that these beautiful creatures just get sick and tired of jumping through hoops so to speak, to amuse the spectators? They need a day off or better yet, free them to live in their own habitat to enjoy the life they have left. Certainly it is a great spectacle but over the years I have changed my opinion on Zoo's and the animals in their confinement. I will never go to another zoo, period!
i thought an orca was gonna attack a trainer to which i would’ve said, “GO GET EM’ BOYS”
i hate seaworld and my parents really want to go to the US soon and said they wanted to go to places like seaworld but i am refusing to visit seaworld even tough i love animals i will not go into a place like seaworld which is horrible and doesnt care for their animals only looking at them has profit
I thought we learned our lesson with Free Willy.
Its disgusting… pure animals 😭
Jesus loves you all he died on the cross for you i pray and I beleive that you will find him weather that'd be today or another day. Jesus loves you all AMEN ! <3
They should've just kept the orca's for like two days or so and let them free after… They need to live on the wild too 😔
Fair to say the video was anticlimactic
I just feel like these shows are inhumane, I can't imagine these beautiful creatures have ever been happy while performing
Imagine being in display for some mfuckers to see, like why.
Masking miserable animal lives with "woooo matriarch wooooo yea ladiessss" makes me sick. They are prisoners in a prison yet they did nothing wrong. So sad
They need to make it illegal to keep whales in a show. They need to be free, in the wild and left to live a happy fulfilling life, not be some bored families' weekend entertainment.
when i saw "gone wrong" i thought someone was ganna die
the limp fins ):
None of them are healthy/happy
This really got recommended to me after seeing a whale explode, so I was expecting something like that…
I’ve been there and it is very cool but I hope they treat the animals right
The trainer guy really went: cha cha real smooth
The whales probably are charging at each other Because they know that one whale or two just ruined their dinner
u can tell theyre not happy cuz of the fin, its bent
Those poor whales:(
These animals were stolen from the sea and they never should have been put in a small pool filled with chemicals. This is just wrong
Seaworld is a crime
I 100%! agree with all of you guys saying these whales shouldn't be kept in captivity and that is a terrible thing to do BUUUUUUUUUUUT. ya know we are top of the food chain and it is kind of a flex in our society to show of how you TRAINED AN ANIMAL 300 TIMES YOUR SIZE. Point is, it isn't always fun to not be top of the food chain in most cases being somewhere other than the top is not to good :/
if people boycotted these places and show their support to the imprisoned whales this would not happen…
I only wish more trainers get a dose of karma. I support captivity because it's my job.