Boat Fails of the Week | Chad and Brad's rough day on the water

Boat Fails of the Week | Chad and Brad's rough day on the water
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Its Monday which means its time for Boat Fails of the Week brought to you by Haulover Inlet!

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00:00 Chad and Brad’s bad day
00:13 Hope you brought a pillow!
00:22 And now you have a motorboat! @tim carter
01:24 Might want to take that out to open water! @wingnuttichy
01:37 When your cousin has a “friend” that can do it cheaper @carsongracetoomer
01:41 Somebody had a rough outing! @d_monahan21
01:51 F*** you money @rmckee4200
02:05 Hammered! @youngfibonacci
02:21 Happens to the best of us @ian___h_
02:34 #ford Found on ramp drowned! @eazrad
03:39 All that to save a unicorn floatie @captshanediggins

#boatfails #epic


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  1. Photo of the sailboat clearly shows the red light, so driving without due care and attention is an open and shut case. And the last one, new boat, old jet ski trailer with and extension pole?

  2. The sailboat and bridge is a lot more complicated than it appears. I have been in the situation where I radioed the bridge tender to announce my intent to proceed at the next opening. After the bridge opened, we proceeded after traffic heading in the opposite direction cleared. The traffic opposite direction were impatient and should have waited because the current was behind us. We proceeded under the bridge when the tender sounded the horn and commenced to lower the bride. We sounded an alarm and called the tender to stop, which the tender ignored. Once underway, with the current, there was not enough time to stop the boat even if full reverse. Fortunately we made it. I reported the tender to the authorities. The tenders are supposed to look to see if all traffic has cleared before closing, and to blow a warning horn 5 times (danger). If you have ever gone under a drawbridge on a busy day, in a strong current, you will know how difficult it is, especially in a sail boat with a single engine, small propeller, and aft current.

  3. That sail boater can appeal that one all he wants but all he’ll accomplish is adding court costs to the already super expensive fines and mast repair cost.

  4. With the price of boats you'd think people would try to learn a little bit about them before they go out and slam the throttles wide open.

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