Far Cry 3 Animals free for all battle with 3 rounds of animal fights! Fight commentary by Rusty Fluger – Far Cry 3 (Xbox 360) Custom Maps by Controller Sportz – Like, Comment & Subscribe!
Bear vs Tapir vs Boar vs Buffalo vs Cassowary vs Chicken vs Deer vs Dingo vs Goat vs Komodo Dragon vs Leopard vs Monkey vs Pig vs Dog vs Tiger
What mod do you use for this?
How did you make them fight is it a game mode or?
Bears and tigers in far cry 3 don't seem to fight each other.
its so shame that animal animations suck so much …I wish in far cry 4 would be all these nice animals. at least in Editor somewhere. Just a Mod with more foliage and nature stuff with these animals and the so awesome far cry 4 animations
Do tiger vs leopard
Fc3 animals has no finishing animations?
Tiger and leopard: Team 😌👌🏻
Hey can you help me in Far cry 3 can you do map editor pls answer me
Who else is playing this for the 1st time in 2020??? want to get #5 hopefully soon, and who else wishes they would combine rdr2 with far cry5 it would be a cool shooter !!!
Could you do Komodo dragon Vs all animals
Far cry primal
i love this game