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Source/Further reading:
History, overview: https://www.history.com/topics/natural-disasters-and-environment/krakatoa
Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/place/Krakatoa
Independent, How Krakatoa Made the Biggest Bang: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/how-krakatoa-made-biggest-bang-5336165.html
ABC Podcast: https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/nightlife/krakatoa/8842892
NYT, detailed review of book on eruption: https://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/20/books/the-island-that-went-straight-up.html
Nautilus, the Sound so Loud It Circled the World Four Times: https://nautil.us/blog/the-sound-so-loud-that-it-circled-the-earth-four-times
NOAA overview: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/day-historic-krakatau-eruption-1883
LA Times, the Crack of Doom: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-may-11-bk-reich11-story.html
Sunsets, and effect on art: https://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/08/arts/art-the-scream-east-of-krakatoa.html
2018 eruption: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/indonesia-volcano-tsunami-surprise-explained-anak-krakatau
Brief history of undersea cables: https://www.britannica.com/technology/undersea-cable
First mention in NYT, 27 August, 1883: https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1883/08/28/106253231.html?pageNumber=1
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Krakatoa 😎
"Explody death."
You should do a video on the Galveston Hurricane.
Krakatoa goes up levelling everything in the near and far distance. Not too long after folks rebuilt in the exact same location and got wiped out again by " the son of Krakatoa". The first time one may have thought that the volcano was extinct. But the second time was like " please destroy and kill us again". Like many other cities that rebuilt on the feet of volcanoes after massive destructive events.
incredibly good video!
Love your videos! So many cool subjects and great research into the topics and also great commentary and a good dash of humor😁 love it! Your videos are addicting.
i came to this video after it being reccomended to me when watching a video where some dude says krakatoa and than destroys a toilet with his explosive shit
This guy has made an art of saying nothing across a long period of time.
I have a science question. Why didn’t the sound wave cancel out when it came together somewhere on the other side of the planet?
I once stubbed my foot and thought I'd Krakatoa, but it was only sprained. :-0
699,966 views YOOOO
People say they remember it from Spongebob but I remember it from the Prophet in Empire Earth.
16:44 =I wonder if there are philippine records of that anecdote that dang loud Krakatau sound? Searches in google to find none The heck? No written Philippine records?
I don't believe he was mentioned in this episode but one hero of the Krakatoa disaster was the lighthouse keeper. A huge chunk of coral demolished the lighthouse. The keeper lost his wife and son who had evacuated from the lighthouse earlier. Despite all that he used a stick and a lit lantern to continue to warn ships away from the rock. All that's left of that lighthouse today is the brick base. A new one was built a bit further away.
Krakatoa is my favorite volcano. I know Tambora was bigger and that more people ultimately died from its aftereffects, but Krakatoa killed more people immediately, which in my estimation makes it the more deadly and spectacular eruption.
I lived in Phuket when the 2004 tsunami hit. I watched it all happen from the mountain above Patong
The fact that i got suggested this video after watching "Guy says Krakatoa before destroying toilet" makes me all the more interested.
This Krakatoa also happened in the bathroom…
Anyone else here from the Krakatoa public toilet short?
The World (Pre-Explosion): Krakatoa is extinct, nothing to worry about.
Krakatoa: Surprise BITCH! Bet you thought you'd never see me again.
16:38 I live in Winnipeg 😂
I hate it when people think Canadians say eh we don't
I got here from a guy saying it before destroying a toilet.