#036 – (Some) people are awesome

#036 - (Some) people are awesome
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I get a lot of messages from people dealing with mental health issues. I struggle with them myself and when I do I tend to get down on myself and others. I was originally going to do a podcast about all of the things I dislike about people, but wanted to be more positive so I did everything I do like. Sometimes it’s all about perspective.


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About the Author: Lee Syatt


  1. My father was a truck driver all his life. Over 50 years. It's all he knew. Work, go home, isolate, repeat. When he left for work he'd say, 'off to deal with the idiots' (crazy drivers on the freeways). He'd isolate to have his quiet time so he can recharge. Mental health isn't invisible and should be talked about, agreed with and changes made to the medical system we have. <3 You're sweet as pie Lee. Nothing wrong with you. You're beautiful. Deal widdit. Dude. I sing in the car and wave at the TV when someone I like comes on. lol I also like to play with service workers by giving them a compliment, look them in the eye and say thank you. Trips people out. the little kid in me is awakening.

  2. Joy and happiness are about how you see things, LA was a real test on how resilient you are at fending off the superficial haters. Love begets love, don't worry about how others see you. If someone is being negative, they're probably stuck in an emotional rut. Being overly nice to them will seem strange but it will eventually crack the shell and maybe they'll even pass it on. Love you Lee!!

  3. Love ya Lee. Never met you but I know 110% how you feel. I struggle often with much of what you were saying. Including the wanting to find happiness thing like a kid. I'm 30 with a wife, solid job in something I've always enjoyed(computer stuff), workout, eat well and I'm still searching. Gotta just keep solidering on and try to take a deeo breath and smile every so often

  4. We all struggle with something, that’s why it’s so important to find things that keep the demons away, healthy food, exercise, hobby’s that make you happy and good people if possibly. Keep it up Lee! Great seeing you cocking some nice healthy food to!

  5. Couldn't Agree more @ appx the 32 minute mark Lee… Cashiers/checkout people at a handful of grocery stores, I am amazed and inspired by their attitude… granted, they're far and few, but they make an impact on me as well and its recognized and appreciated..

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