Craziest Fights Of Wild Animal In Africa►► Gorilla vs Lion, Hippo vs Wild Dogs, Rhino Fighting…
#kinganimal #animalfights #동물싸움
►►►►►►►►► THANKS FOR WATCHING ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄
Merda do canal. Fala uma coisa, mas depois não mostra o que fala.
Está aonde o confronto entre leião e gorila.
개코원숭이여! 그대는 아주 용맹하였다. 적어도 사자 가족에게 잡혀 먹히기 전까지는 말이다. 그대의 죽음을 우리는 잊지 않을 것이다.
O bicho Os Leoês. 🦁 são gay. Certo.
👋 First I see 2 Lions. Trying to fuck the female Lion. I guess None of the Male LIONS , Dud get lucky,! Than things change,, ,,Dude Is that a gay Lion 😳? Kkk I Just started smoking 🚬 and I swear I saw a 🦁 SCREWING Another Lion 🦁 ASS. 😄 😄 .. crazy shit.
Nooo F%?@$!@#G GORILLA Vs LION!!
Sick Of Click Bate Videos!
BS No gorilla v. lion !
escape the hyenas.die by the hippo wtf.
Thank .
This is click bait! There aren't any "craziest fights" in this video. 👎 Just lost a possible subscriber with this click bait!!
Do you have any other music?
Самое хрошее,когда слонёнок плавал и играл. Мне очень понравилось. Спасибо.
U people u'r liars! 🙄😏 Where is the Gorilla!? I watch the hall video n I didn't see any Gorilla! 😏😏
Whoever is strong and able to survive is the winner
Click bait. This is a horrible video.
Beaux combats.
Il n'y a pas le moindre gorille dans cette vidéo, si vous confondez les babouins avec des gorilles, il faut d'urgence consulter un ophtalmo, ou arrêter de vouloir faire du buzz bidon pour attirer les vues, aussi je vote j'aime pas, pour TROMPERIE DES SPECTATEURS AVEC DES FAUX TITRES, comme les chaines qui publient des images de vidéo tapageuses, pour faire croire ce qu'il n'y a pas dans la vidéo!!! Les tromperies doivent cesser sur Youtube, y'en a marre de prendre les gens pour des cons…
Me quedé esperando ver a los gorilas contra los leones jejeje. Falso el título jejej
Yep! I could feel it easing up.
Not interesting at all.
Not being disrespectful, but is that 2 homosexual lions getting it on at the 18 second mark? Just wondering…
Where is the fight between gorilla and line.?
What happen interrupting my good program always like that .You get with the program Dame it your fauth
Interesting watching animals show good video
08:02 곡성 악마가 ㄷㄷㄷ
The power of knowing your capabilities.
알고보면 더 재밌는 영화
That lioness is lucky to be alive
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
moga sukses slalu
bisa melihat harimau dihajar, kalau bisa biar mati
태평양전쟁에서 미국 최고의영웅들은 호위기 없이
Merci beaucoup vidéo super 🌹🌹
Watching this fighting gives me high blood pressure👍
그들의 강한정신력과 희생덕에 안전하게 급강하 폭격기들이 공격할수있엇고 승리할수있었다. 🌹🌹
Mufasa gets his' azz whipped!
Very good movie. Greeting from India
Nossa que luta pela sobrevivência, o mais forte sempre vence!
Very Motivating Video! Lion is the King of Jungle
정말 인상 깊었습니다.
으 사슴개불쌍해
The intro of just lions getting folded is hilarious.
Vdery nice show