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Don’t Be Sad, With Hardship There Is Ease (COMPILATION)
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1/100% treu AMIEN
Allahu Akbaar..
Please read the Holy Quran 🤲
Oh allah forgive all the ummah of muhammadh sal and make the last prophet recognise us inshallah in the hearafter
Ya Allah Forgive Us
i justed wanted to as a question about :
my friend wanted a non muslim to say chahada but the non muslim doesn't understand english and deosnt knew that what my friend is telling him to say is chahada so its like if hes tricking him into saying it so i told him to stop am i sinfull for stoping him ?
Also sorry for repeating the same question
Slmz if love for Allah is taught early then children will obey. They will not leave Islam for any reason.
Slmz.mashsallah subanallah. Short and sweet and not putting fear. If u need paradise one has to be steadfast
For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall never perish and will have eternal life John 3 16
السلام عليكم ورحمةالله.. انا ام احمد من فلسطين 🇵🇸 مدينة غزة
انا عندي ثلاث اطفال واعيش في ظروف صعبه جدا وعندي طفل مريض مرض مزمن في العين وانا عندي نفس المرض وقبل سنتين ونص عملت عمليه في عين واحدا وانا الان احتاج عمليه في العين الثانيه واحتاج انا وابني الي علاج كل شهر وبسبب الوضع الصعب في فلسطين من حصار وحروب لم اتمكن من اجراء العمليه وانا ذهبت الي المستشفى ولاكن قال لي الدكتور ان العمليه تكلف اموال كثير ولم اعمل العمليه حتا الان وارجو ان تساعدوني بحق العمليه حتى اعين اطفالي.. حتا انا واطفالي اعيش في بيت مكسر ولا بوجد طعام عند الاطفال واحتاج الى اجار البيت ولا يوجد احد يعين بنى وانا لستو بمحتاله وبأمكانكم التواصل معي وارسل لكم كل التقارير الطبيه تثبت كلامي من المستشفى
Yes Sheik, I have a question? should we be jealous of someone who is more gifted intelligent and courageous than Ourself? Who is not a slave to the dirham?
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ رِضَاكَ وَالجَنَّةَ ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ سَخَطِكَ وَالنَّارِ
Allaahumma innee as-aluka Ridaak wal Jannah
wa Audhubika min sakhatik wan-naar
O Allaah, I ask of Your pleasure and for Paradise,and I seek refuge from Your displeasure and from the Hellfire.
Do not talk too much without remembrance of Allah. Indeed excessive talking without remembrance of Allah hardens the heart. And indeed the furthest of people from Allah is the harsh-hearted. (At-Tirmidhi)
❤️❤️❤️Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters . Our next life will be in 👉⚰️ . remember Allah . fear Allah . Never lose u r hope in Allah's mercy. Never leave Salah. Do good deeds. Follow the Sunnah. May Allah guide us and make us the people of Jannah tul firdus. Ameen. ❤️❤️❤️
May Allah grant us happiness 💜
Ameen 🖤💙
Assalamualaikum, Im Mohammad Munkasir from Bangladesh, i love your videos i also pray my prayers daily and I want to be a true Muslim
I want everything in halal ways not in haram ways.But Allah is lazy in his promises
Every one have problems with each other only Allah swt don't have any problems with his creator
Ya Allah help me i need your guidance an the straight path 🙏
Love forrom Bangladesh
“Whenever you feel lonely and alone,
remind yourself that God has sent everyone else away so that there is only you and Him. Talk to him by his Qur’an and worship him by the way he taught to you through his messenger Al Amin.*”
* The Prophet Muhammad (sa), In his youth was called by the nickname "Al-Amin" (Arabic: الامين ), an Arab name meaning "faithful, trustworthy" and was later sought out as an impartial arbitrator when all the tribes of Mecca were about to fight each other.