🐺 https://bit.ly/3gkkphk 🐺
WolfKiller is a nickname use for Livestock Guardian Dog which are able to fight and defeat predators special wolves . In this video the footages are recorded by amateur camera of Shepherds which they caught their dog in action .
Best Of 2021🔥🔥
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Wolf Killer VS Wild Animals – Part 2
Tibetan Mastiff Vs Wolf – Guardian Of Tibet 2021
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#Hbkennel #dog #wildanimals
🐺 https://bit.ly/3gkkphk 🐺
2 vs 1 great..
Yeah, great, let your dogs kill an endangered hyena, hurr fuckin ray
Да все это гавно встреть я с нашим волком да один на один
Very Exitement ~^^
Parabéns pelos vídeos 👏👏👏
Нет собак которые победят волка в единоборстве, а кодлой зайцы х.й на льва ложили
Покажите хоть одно видео где кангал победил волка в единоборстве, а кодлом все умеют
Can kangal fight 1on1??without help??i don think so..they win by help of other dogs..wuss
Scheiss nicht Helfer aber filmen können die das würde ich bei denn Filmemachern das gleiche machen bastarde
must cut/trim short enough for kangal/sheep dogs’ ears and tails to protect themselves from wolves and always remember to put a protective collar with spikes at their necks. and if possible, provide more numbers of kangal that equals the biggest number pack of wolves that attacks your farm.
Simply astonishing power and courage of kangal dog
This is a cruelty to animal..human are more animal who letting doing these things
С волкам один на один не справится ни кангал ни алабай
2 kangals versus a wolf shown. The kangals did not defeat the wolf, they cannot pin it down for good, the wolf was able to run, live to fight or kill another day. Don't exaggerate the feats of the kangals, they don't know how to kill, they have no killer instinct like the wolf or hyena. What they do is grapple with the wolf or hyena and their master shoots the intruder. Left to the kangals, anhbwolfnor hyena can escape, they don't know how to give a fatal bite, unlike the wolf or hyena.
They wouldn't be doing that against an African hyena. One bite can break a dog's leg!
This is ARMENIAN GAPR (kangal) 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲
Don't like
Lies,lies,lies… 1 Wolf vs. 1 kangal=the wolf is always the winner
I don't see any point in letting dogs bite such beautiful animals to death.
These Kangals are like the Turks, always with several against one.
Daha sonra bir kangal, bir Orta Asya Çobanı ve bir Tibet mastiff satın alıyorum, karar verildi.
That ain't no hyena either
there is always need more than one dog to defeat a wolf. dogs are just poor kittens when alone. big thugs in herd…pathetic 😉
Одну гиену троем валят завалить немогут, смех , волка двоем валят тоже самое. Чтобы было наоборот уже обедали.
hayvandaki güce bak iki çoban köoeğini sürüklüyor
how good are your video shots? don't just shoot the animals that you made your dog proud of.
Love all your videos ❤️👍
Hay maşallah maşallah
Los perros defienden a sus amos de estas fieras..menos mal….
Como mola el video hace faltan más vídeos destos.
coba hyna vs dog 1 vs 1
3 Dogs vs 1 hyena
Totally unfair😢😢😢😢
Why do these owners sit there recording their dogs for so long? They need to help their dogs to defeat these predators. The dogs have control of these animals but they aren't easily able to penetrate the skin of the wild animals. There are videos of lions having trouble ending th life of a hyena, yes it's usually a spotted hyena but that's not the point. Humans can't really expect a couple of dogs, no matter how powerful, to catch and kill a hyena or even a large wolf. The dogs didn't finish off any of the animals in these videos. These owners really need to help their dogs and finish off these wild animals before their dogs get severely injured or killed.
Kangal o lobo ?
Yo digo lobo por que como en los videos se puede apreciar necesitas 2 kangals para poder con un lobo europeo de 70kg.
Y si el kangal se enfrenta a un lobo de alaska de 120kg ganaria el kangal ? Nooo 😂 logica pura muchachos
Canadia wolf vs dog = Canis lupus wins
El perro es inteligente valiente fuerte y belleza y da su vida por el hombre y el hombre daría su vida por su mejor amigo
С гиеном которые подрались чисто Кавказцы
Desde o primeiro javali com o cao a maioria dos animais seguintes ja estavam feridos como por exemplo a tiro
first I would shoot at man -owner…second I would kill his dogs.
As far as I know think those hyenas are protected.
Un cane contro 1 Jena, gli fa una pippa.
Contra una manada perderían o contra igual número sería difícil