Awesome moves by breakdancer crew The Artifex from Slovenia!
The Artifex:
The artifex crew is a group of young energetic hiphop dancers / choreographers / dance teachers /performers / breakdancers / dance artists from slovenia. Finalist of Slovenias got talent, performers on world of dance france, national, european and world champions in IDO.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sit.the.artifex/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/artifexcrew
Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/user/the7artifex
Webpage: www.theartifex.si
Booking: info@theartifex.si
Directed by: Blaž Hojžar
Camera: Andraž Brelih ( Hype Collective )
Music by Nick Rice
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I'm from slovenia…isnt here nipke to
but they arent aweso
Whats the name of song in last 20 secs.??? 🙂
you got served moves Wer better
my hip hop teacher could be one of those guys, he;s got the skill.
There are plenty of clips on youtube of breakdancing 1000 times more shocking and awesome than this one…why did you put this one as "the most amazing one"?
Очень красиво!
A7S 😀
Basic! I'm not excited!
People are awesome of shuffle pls!
What gaylords
that was amazing
Holy fuck! That was intensely amazing!
Aliens be like
Alien1:Sir we have identified their weapons…THEY HAVE NUCLEAR BOMBS!
Commander Alien:WHAT?Let see their planet.
he takes a good look at the whole planet
Commander Alien:They are using it on themselves?confusion
Where is the awesome car ?
the guy doin ground moves z the reason why ppl watch ds
this video is awesome!
Очень понравилась их синхронность! Это реально впечатляет)))
no more this shit pls
GOOD?…yes // GREAT?…maybe, to some // AWESOME???…nah
Nice music
thats not breakdance 🙁
then a car comes along and fucks it up
They are very good! But… where is the epic thing? Anyway, I see a vídeo of yours in the news today (I'm from Argentina)
I'm really not a fan of most dancing, but even I have to admit that 6 people working in a tandem flow like that looks pretty cool.
Where are the amazing people?