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I ranked how I would do in a fight versus various animals. This list was rated by Tierzoo, the residential expert on animals rankings. This is on the 2020 patch of humans.
edited by: https://twitter.com/politesl
#ludwig #tierlist #tierzoo
This was super fun, thanks for having me on!
The only thing that could make this better was if casual geographic could've hopped into this mix.
I was watching this video, and then left and came back to watch it later. When I got back on, the first thing I hear is "pounding it" without context at 24:27. That was hilarious.
"Use a gun" against the hippo.
Yea because gun is gonna stop the 1 ton tank which can halve a crocodile. The hippo isn't being stopped by anything short of an intercontinental ballistic missile
Gorilla and Grizzly both end you no shot
Does he seriously believe he has any chance against a cow? Bull or not, both genders have horns and both faster and stronger than humans.
You know a rhino's horn is made of the same material as our fingernails
Damn, I’ve gotten fucked up by a chicken before.
All tier lists like this teach you is that humans are fuuuuuucked in nature. We are some weak-ass mfers without are massive, sexy brains.
a whale can make you bleed from the inside, with sound. just want to put that here
in defense of elephents, they can outrun you
Ok squirrels claws hert like a bitch
Steven is that you?
Well honestly about the snakes mongoose are designed to kill snakes
Y didn’t you do honey badger
No Ludwig the answer is to how long will it take to write your letters goodbye if you fight a polar bear
Rhinos would get scared and trample you but hippos will just snap you In half
Bear in mind Ludwig mongoose literally evolved to hunt cobras
Hes way to confident, a cow would trample you
bros vs pros animal edition when?
Straight up moose are worse than kangaroos and monkeys would end your lineage no cap
Grizzly should be higher
This video is PETA approved. ✅
Why is a kangaroo higher than a cow???? I mean kangaroos are fucking beasts but cows are like 2x their size.
Mans talking about which kills you faster rhino or polar bear. Funnily enough its the rhino because the polar bear will just eat you alive.
Bro a moose can jump 8 feet get out of here easier than a rhino
Ludwig not looking at the chat while they were talking about the elephant being faster triggered me
Horses are like the most destroyable things that can easily destroy everything
I would swap cow and snake and then the list looks pretty legit
I'm pretty satisfied with this parasocial relationship
Ludwig gets bodied by a pit viper, just ask Tier zoo
funny how all the ones where he watches a fight end up in the far left "end my lineage" catagory
I don't think Ludwig would win against a coordinated swarm of bees though. but i guess in a 1v1 he would.
I saw someone say hippos are slow af in the chat, boy someone dosen’t know hippos
“I’m B hopping im B hopping” had me dead
People who watched rezero when he was talking about rabbits in numbers: PTSD flashbacks
Ludwig thinks he can tank a hippos bite… little does he know….
the whale would be easy, just shove your arm down their throat and theyll choke to death
Is this without tools.. just are hands.. I can’t figure out even while watching this what the rules are or anything.
I wonder if Ludwig knows that Whales can explode when they die
lud a kangaroo would fuck you up in a fight they can go 45mph at max and punch at about 4 times their wheight
15:42 When have humans been known to fight fair lol
kangaroos litterally cant move backwards, you could just get behind it hahaha
If a whale swallowed you it would choke on you. The reason it eats plankton Is because their throats are tiny compared to its body
Love the video
I feel like they're sleeping on cows, if you punch a cow in the head it could just turn and kick you in the head idk man
I could just punt rabbits he says. Doom slayer would come back for his revenge
btw giraffes can kick so hard they decapitate lions
if you end bees everything will die so it will end your lineage and everything you care about
12:28 a rhino can body a hippo but hippo would kill a human faster