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For more family-friendly Roblox review and gameplay videos, Check out our playlist Let´s Play Roblox! ➡️ http://bit.ly/SebastianGamerRocks
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We loved having fun playing Natural Disaster 2! If you have a Cool Roblox suggestion you would like a playthrough video on leave it in the comments below or let us know at 💌roblox@asterrocksgaming.com
Aster & Sebastian Rock 👩🎤🎮👨🏼🎤 is a new mommy and son gamer channel where we come to enjoy some good old family time doing something we both love… MOBILE GAMING ❗️ Come back each week to see us stumble onto and try to play new, funny, exciting, gory, scary iOS mobile Roblox games for your enjoyment and ours 😝👍.
So MANY different games, So Little Time! How many are available on Roblox? We don’t know, but part of the fun is in discovering 📱 new ones and trying to play them all 🕹
If you love watching 🎮 gaming videos as much as Sebastian and I do, you’ll enjoy our silliness 🤪 We upload a new video 2-3 times each week, so we hope you will come back 🔜❗️
See you next week fellow Rockets 🚀…
#RobloxChannel #RobloxMobileGameplay #MobileGamingChannel #Gaming #ParentKidsYoutubeChannel #FamilyFriendly #FamilyFun #LetsPlayRoblox #LetsPlay #NaturalDisaster2
Also, I wonder when you will get into the Star Program when you get famous.
I'm sorry for not commenting, overall this video was pretty fun to watch! I fell down the stairs with my laptop so it broke it had to get it fixed! Also, Sandstorms are CRAZY! Edit: Don't worry, It was only 5 steps of stairs left, although laptops are more fragile than humans.