Nuke’s Top 5 SCARIEST videos of scary GHOSTS caught on camera, but it’s a TOP 10 ! Creepy supernatural activity caught on camera that will give you the chills. A countdown of paranormal activity and apparitions in abandoned places. Are these real ghosts? You decide…
A Czech ghost hunter captures some strange and scary video, a Chinese paranormal investigator gets a creepy shadow figure in a haunted house and some evp s too – evps caught on camera. Unexplained activity, poltergeist activity, a strange creature / cryptid , and an apparition in a scary TikTok video. And also- shadow figure s caught multiple times, and a Dutch guy explores an abandoned house and gets video of a strange figure. Some great paranormal and poltergeist investigations.
If you enjoyed this video, you should also check out these other Nuke’s Top 5 ghost parnormal video lists 5 GHOSTS That SCARED Ghost Hunters ! Top 5 NEW Scary Videos of Ghosts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h27gPKoEzW4
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4
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3:20 kinda looks like a black duck or chicken jump/flapping through the doorway
No, not a cow.
Why do I always get the urge to watch these videos at night while I'm goin to bed. I don't really get scared watching these usually like ever and especially during the day but at night with the REALLY EXTREME creepy ones where it's a black figure doing WILD SHIT. I'm not gonna lie I do hide in the comments or just lay my phone down so the light isn't shining do I go to sleep easier and so I hear what's happening and not seeing it
Wtf. Anything that's charging straight at you is never feel comfortable.
Number 6 has such a clear jumpcut. KINDA WACK NUKE.
Foking rez👌
"and sooo, Xiaolong runs over and KICKS THE SHIT outta them!" BEST QUOTE EVER Nuke!!!! LOL
I enjoy that some of these people are wearing masks in abandoned buildings where they are by themselves. Whats going to happen they get Covid from the ghost?
Edit: The first one was super funny. You can see the camera or phone in the guys hands as he is peaking around. I bet its another urban explorer who got spooked by the two guys.
Famous last words
“Is that a cow?”
At this point I was Xiaolong solely for his screaming
That last one was prolly some homeless dude lmao
15:05 isnt that someone in the window?
Been reading a lot of comments about a jumpscare involving a cow. Can anyone post link to it?
"Was that a cow?"
Morgan Freeman :
"Turns out it wasn't"
Good on you for properly pronouncing Saskatchewan 👍🏻
No man that kick was out of absolute fear and terror. No sane man would just run up and kick after seeing that.
Going up stairs, talking English. After he says "I'm here". Camera cuts to doors, he pans to the right, looks like the Door opens on the right side.
For real…. What's up with fully furnished homes being abandoned in China???? Always seeing these homes with everything left in them.
The one at 18.21 is a human. You can see the light reflection of his watch!
That car factory place is fucked je is very brave fuck that 😮😳
16:34 Slender Man?
5:23, I think Shaw Long captures a flying shadow figure passing through the opened door to the next room as he's going up the staires.
Xiaolong rules
At 15:05 you can see three windows. Something can be seen on the right of it! Is that someone ??
Dude Xiaolong is great XD
He gets so terrified in his videos, yet he still runs in all brave like and kicks stuff lmao
Xiaolong kicking those walking stands over is the bravest/scaredest thing ive ever seen
The girl with the mirror is totally fake, if you slow it down you can see her edit cuts, it is fun though
The mirror one is a load of shit. You can see her shitty jump cut as she turns.
Ok, seriously though. I am SO sick of the Xialong ones. Besides even the goofy cinematic nature of it all. Like, we want to see possible real captured footage. That's what we all come here for. But this Xialong just HAPPENS to come across a new ghost every week or fucking what? The videos are so long. Then there's the psychology of it. No one stands still, alone in an empty house, and captures decent shots with their phone/camera all the while screaming as if they are about to piss their pants, which he acts like even when it's just a car outside…. after walking chairs.. It's obnoxious and childish. I liked this channel because it isn't Chills. Xialong must pay Nuke quite a bit to feature their videos.
boyfriend: get out man
ghost: alright king, i'm out
Things take a terrifying turn…. in comes a Hemorrhoids ointment commercial. Okay that is really terrifying.
Maybe Xiaolong stumbled upon a version of the house like from beauty and the beast 🤷♀️
🔥🔥🔥🔥 content
Is that a reflection of an eye on the floor @ 18:08–18:09?
Xiao long is the most BIG BALLS paranormal i ever see dude 🤣
Xialong said “fuck your mother” one time and the ghosts started clapping cheeks
Crap well thats where Bessie got to