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About the Author: Topmovie


  1. That series had me laughing my head off because it's INSANE especially the marble game and the glass scenes marble game old ma is about to "die" supposedly so he stands their with a sob story while his partner has his back towards him and the old creepy man says hey then gives him advice them POW I mean seriously for what??? 😂🤣😂 all because he lost? man bye lol the the glass scene had me laughing in tears bcais ether dude that praying had the most highest confidence in the entire universe for a split sec did you see how God answered his prayers when the other dude fell right them he knew he was blessed he has smirk on his face boyyyy like hell yea then the way he jumped like a ninja to the other glass and stood down for a split sec in a pose as if to make sure the glass doesn't collapse under him 😂😂😂 but things like do do happen unfortunately amongst high ranking people peace

  2. I'd have to go with the triangle simply cause it has the least amount of curves or angles, and it just seems the easiest one to work with

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