Natural disaster 4 October 2021. Hundreds of cars sail the streets like boats! Terrible flood hit Marseille, France
#France #Marseille #hurricane #wind #wave #hail #storm #flood #rain #weather #Naturaldisasters #news
A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, rain, hail, wildfire, waves, wind, snow, weather and other geologic processes.
Torrential rain hit the city of Marseille in the south of France on Sunday and Monday, just days after local waste collectors ended a week-long strike, leading to fears of “catastrophic” waste making its way to the ocean.
Marseille is located in the Bouches-du-Rhône département, which Météo France placed on red alert for heavy rain and flooding on Monday. Schools in the area shut and people were warned not to leave their homes as two months’ worth of rain fell in a single day in the Mediterranean city, after heavy rains had already caused flooding on Sunday night.
The situation was compounded by the fact that uncollected garbage was blocking storm drains in certain parts of the city – drains which would normally be cleared ahead of heavy rain – and making it more difficult for emergency services to intervene.
The city’s waste collectors had begun clearing the streets on Saturday after an agreement between unions and local authorities put an end to an eight-day strike over an increase to working hours.
But rain over the weekend made the monumental job even more difficult, and the result was that “rivers of rubbish” flowed through the city’s streets on Monday.
Daily monitoring of earthquakes around the planet. Be aware of events
stupid mandates for imaginary ccp virus
Weather controll, no climate change.
Stolen lands from the Indigenous. The Most High is not pleased!
why all the spiritual people(christian or buddhist no matter) demanding this or that to hard working people? without doing nothing or return? while spread word of satan? .
Если бы каждый француз взял чашку этой воды в Калифорнию в США, у них не было бы нехватки воды
Que vergonha, fim do mundo, não quero conhecer mais nada.
on a eut un très gros épisode d orages sur le sud est de la France
Marseille rests on low ground.
Существует много людей на земле которые имеют связь с Богом и они видит очень много информации от Бога восне и они много передают а многие не хотят понять ,, что вакцинация Бог против и мы совершаем не правильно и высшие силы передают что будет худшие…..
Valcanoes causeing a possible white or freeze put wood near the fire place extra blanket on the bed and car incase
Are you Christians starting to understand? Not yet? Take your time. Your Hell is forever.
E pra quem quer ser melhor que os outra Deus está provando que o mestre ele mesmo
Bible prophecy being fulfilled throughout the world, Jesus is going to rapture his true believers then tribulation Admit that you are a sinner. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that He is the Son of God born of the virgin Mary, was crucified, died, buried, and on the third day God the Father raised Him up from the dead, and that He has ascended back to God where He is ever making intercession for all. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31)
Confess your faith. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Romans 10:9-1
I was doing Ceramonies that day
What will it take to wake people up to the times they are
living in. Before it is to late and time has run out. JUST
COMING OF THE SON OF MAN .So what exactly is this
verse speaking of. Well I will tell you, it is speaking of the
wickedness & evilness of mankind today, who are full of
lovers of themselves, the prideful, full of hate for one
another full of greed and selfishness full of immorality
and lawlessness just as it was in the days of Noah, but it
also says when things get that bad again that the return of
Jesus Christ is getting near and people, like in Noah's
day people will all be to busy with their lives and will be
caught off guard just as the people were in Noah's day when
the flood took them all away. Unless they WAKE-UP NOW and
REPENT of their sins while there is still time to do so many
will perish. REPENT Believe in the Son of GOD, Believe in the
Gospel of Salvation, Be baptized in the name Jesus Christ and
Become Born Again in Christ and be Saved.
Pls be carefull always pray jesus christ is coming soon Amen🙏🗽🏥😪
In my dreams and fire came down from heaven leading to disastrous flood also saw volcanic eruptions, God is angry with Nations that have rejected our Lord Jesus Christ, cause God loves the World that he gave his only be gotten son that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life, repent people, reject forms of idol worship and accept lord Christ that the World be healed and lives saved. God bless Us all amen
🙏🙏🙏har har mahadev 🙏🙏🙏
But people are not informed that global climate changes and disasters on our planet are caused by 12000 cyclisity. And our civilization is to overcome a very hard period. But uniting, we will cope with what is coming. More information at the International online conference "Global crisis. This already affects everyone".
Self made by POLITICANS LOBBYISTS and black-magic secret UNIONS through HAARP !
но, как было во дни Ноя, так будет и в пришествие Сына Человеческого: ибо, как во дни перед потопом ели, пили, женились и выходили замуж, до того дня, как вошел Ной в ковчег, и не думали, пока не пришел потоп и не истребил всех, – так будет и пришествие Сына Человеческого; тогда будут двое на поле: один берется, а другой оставляется; две мелющие в жерновах: одна берется, а другая оставляется. Итак бодрствуйте, потому что не знаете, в который час Господь ваш приидет. Матфея 24
так и Христос, однажды принеся Себя в жертву, чтобы подъять грехи многих, во второй раз явится не для очищения греха, а для Ожидающих Его во спасение Евреям 9 . 28
Ибо если устами твоими будешь исповедывать Иисуса Господом и сердцем твоим веровать, что Бог воскресил Его из мертвых, то спасешься, потому что сердцем веруют к праведности,
а устами исповедуют ко спасению. Римл 10. 9
Встреча Спасителя с Церковью состоится именно в воздухе 1Фес. 4. 16-17;
Восхищение есть тайное действие 1Кор. 15.51-52, которое произойдёт внезапно, „во мгновение ока“ 1Кор. 15.52
Так поступайте, зная время, что наступил уже час пробудиться нам от сна. Ибо ныне ближе к нам спасение, нежели когда мы уверовали.К Римл 13. 11
Вы, кто благодаря своей вере защищён силой Божьей, обретёте спасение, которое откроется перед концом времени.1-е Петра 1
Луки 21.34 – 36
Смотрите же за собою, чтобы сердца ваши не отягчались объядением и пьянством и заботами житейскими, и чтобы день тот не постиг вас внезапно
бодрствуйте на всякое время и молитесь, да сподобитесь избежать всех сих будущих бедствий и предстать пред Сына Человеческого.
Отец Небесный! Я прихожу к Тебе во имя Иисуса Христа.
Я верю, что Иисус – Сын Божий, Он умер за меня, взял на Себя мои грехи и на третий день воскрес.
Я прошу: прости мои грехи. Иисус Христос, войди в мое сердце, будь Моим Господом и Спасителем.
Во имя Иисуса. Аминь псалом 26 50 90
Awaken this world goes form bad to worse because the devil is in controle of world he uses many humans to harm other humans he uses everything in his power to harm mankind more this enemy's time hás Come to an end he Will be eliminated from the earth along with all your supporters, et's time for you to choose whether you want tô live or die with this evil One Read in your bible 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 a10, read zephniah chapter 2 verse 2, 3, Awake Awaken……
J'envoie ce message au maire de Marseille et a tout ces aboyant
J'envoie ce message au Maire de Marseille et au habitants si vous avez peur que les déchet aille dans la mer mettre des filets assez long comme pour la pêche cella évitera qu'il parte à la mer pour les ramassez utiliser une grue et un camoin pour les ramassée si vous ne faite les rats vont s'y mettre et cella serra pire voila ma solution
#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #AllatraUnites