Near-Death Experiences (NDE) : Investigating an enigma (full documentary)

Near-Death Experiences (NDE) : Investigating an enigma (full documentary)
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Near-Death Experiences (NDE) : Investigating an enigma

As you know, at Temps Présent we keep our feet firmly on the ground and we are at ease with confronting facts and reality. This is why it was not easy for us to make the reportage we are showing you tonight. It’s about life and death, conscience and unconscious. The stories you will hear will disturb you, like they disturbed us.

The people who are telling the stories actually lived them and are called “experiencers”. There are hundreds of thousands of them across the world, and it’s very likely that you even have some of them in your own surrounding. The experience they had is called near-death experience. Victims of heart attack, stroke, sometimes long coma, they all survived, some even say they were resuscitated. Sometimes declared clinically dead, like Patricia whom you will hear in this reportage, they came back to life and told their story. They all talk about decorporation, warmth, love and light, encounters with the dead and many other things.

These extraordinary stories are as old as time. Myriam Gazut and Olga Baillif decided to make this reportage, because scientists now take near-death experience very seriously. The theories, though, that could explain it, have not delivered any concrete results. The mystery remains.

You’ve heard it, most people going through near-death experience return deeply transformed. Some even claim to have developed qualities that could be described as paranormal: healing capacities, talking to the dead or over developed intuition. If you enjoyed this episode, please note that we will broadcast a second one, shorter, next week, about the amazing capacities of these experiencers.

A film by Olga Baillif et Myriam Gazut
Image : Hughes Firmann
Sound : Santi Serra
Video Montage : Véronique Rotelli
Sound Illustration : Frédéric Demilliac
Mix : Benoît Mayer

#nde #NearDeathExperience #ExperiencedeMortImminente

• Dr Pim van Lommel, Mort ou pas ? Les dernières découvertes médicales sur les EMI, Paris, Inrees InterEditions, 2015
• Dr François Lallier, Expériences de Mort Imminente, peut-on vraiment parler de mort ? ed. Leduc Pratique, nov 2020
• Dr Steven Laureys, Un si brillant cerveau, les états limites de conscience, ed O.Jacob, 2015
• Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven, R. Smit, The Self does not die, verified paranormal phenomena from Near-Death Experiences, IANDS publication
• Dr Raymond Moody, La Vie après la Vie (1975), J’ai lu
• Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino, D’une vie à l’autre. Des scientifiques explorent le phénomène des expériences de mort imminente, Dervy, 1999
• Laurence Musy, Raconte : récit extraordinaire de 126 jours dans le coma, édition Le Temps Présent, collection : Témoins d’Au-delà

Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands
Dr Pin van Lommel, MD/Ruud van Wees, PhD/Vincent Meyers, PhD/Ingrid Elfferich, PhD
Published: Dec 15, 2001

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About the Author: Temps Présent


  1. The love we feel on the other side is one, we can feel here in this body as well when we learn that it is in us and that we are it. The love I felt from my guide when it appeared to me was unlike anything I ever felt, and I never wanted to feel any different. Now I know that I felt it as such because I didn’t love myself, I was at a low point in my life when I was loathing myself because of everything that was and has happened in my life. At the time I didn’t know that I have chosen these things to happen in my life that would become obstacles for me to overcome to learn myself, to learn that I have that love within me, that I am that love. There is a veil of false separation from that love and it is a part of our learning and growth, and why we come here to this plane, to overcome obstacles we set for ourselves and by doing so we learn that there is no separation, never was and never will be. We are it and it is us. We come to this world that is designed as such where we are taught that we are separate, but we are not. If only people knew how easy it is to feel that same love just by learning to love themselves for what they are and unlearning everything that society is enforcing on them. This is why we come here, to learn ourselves, our true nature.

  2. these experiences are no illusion. it seems they occur as a result of an altered state of consciousness, or indeed a separation of consciousness. the term is "non-local" consciousness. a good book to read is consciousness beyond life by dr pim van lommel. his studies are remarkable and really get you thinking.

  3. The best presentation to me because there was so much focus on the medical investigation into this premise of consciousness that occurs during ndes. I was in the medical field and worked exclusively with comatose patients for decades and was encouraged by a few doctors to write a book about what I was finding with the varying levels of consciousness that occurred after they came out of their comas and also what they reported while they were in their comas and how many of them we're so psychically attuned that one even saw my father who had just died before I even knew it and was standing behind me for example, and that was back in the 1970s.

  4. This humility is largely absent from modern NDE accounts.
    Also missing from today's NDE stories is the cruelty of Saint Niphon, whose skeptical attitude once sent a bad spirit. The demon appeared to the Saint in the form of a holy angel and said that Niphon would be given the power to perform miracles, as a reward from God. Nifon was not fooled. He recognized this vision as a deception and a call for pride. "Wait a minute," he said to the demon, "and I will do a miracle for you." He turned to a nearby stone and told him to move to another location. The rock was submerged. "A lot for your gift," said St. Niphon, and he came to his senses. Then the Saint prayed to God and the demon disappeared.
    Remember the wisdom of these two saints in relation to the NDE phenomenon. They are models for dealing with misleading, non-Orthodox "visions" of the afterlife. Only the enlightened, cautious, and well-informed soul is able to clearly see the demonic illusion involved in the NDE. and as each year passes, the need for clear thinking about the NDE and what it represents – the emerging religion of the Antichrist – increases. Just as a demon in an NDE (or comparable vision) can disguise himself as Christ, the Antichrist will one day appear as the Messiah. Thus, the NDE provides a preview of the false belief that the Antichrist will trap the world.
    Evidently, the modern-day NDE phenomenon is part of what St. Paul described in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4: itchy ears; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and they will turn into myths. "
    Will the faithful believe in the doctrines of the New Age NDE when they are told the truth about these false visions? In most cases, probably not. But because few can hear and respond, we Orthodox Christians must offer a clear and unequivocal testimony to the lies and dangers of the NDE phenomenon. Indeed, we can partly judge how clearly we are delivering this warning. what is false here is the being of light, and what is talking about, other experiences don't have the conversation with that creature and does not mention that creature exclude that these things whenever this creature is the picture of the experiences, for me are demonic and are trying to confuse the reality of the afterlife

  5. Someone asked a question from one of our Imams that what is the difference between this world and the next world. His answer was you will find the same difference like you had from your mother's womb to this world.
    It means this world is much smaller in size than the next world.
    Also next world must be more wonderful than this one for sure.

    Imam Ali (a.s) also says, All human beings are sleeping they will wakeup when they will die.

  6. Wonderful video! Thanks for sharing.
    If I answer one of those questions, "Did you feel separation from your body?" I can say, Yes!!
    I had a C-section. I was unconscious after the injection and I was praying to God plz don't take my life at this stage, my baby is so young (2yrs old). I don't want his life like mine as my mother had died during a child birth. After I got unconscious I was pushed through a bright blue tunnel that had brightest white web like structure inside it's walls. I felt so much pressure on my brain and body. It was so much intense and uncomfortable that I can't explain in words. I felt as if my large body is pushed into a narrow pipe. I felt as if I could never come out of it and was saying please someone help me out of it. After it l felt like I'm nothing and was going upwards in such a speed that nobody can imagine. I was feeling cut off from whole worldly relations with no weight. I forgot everything even my little boy. After that I felt falling back again and the voices of all nurses were coming slowly in my ears like a slow Cassette sound, fat and heavy, gradually their voices became clear and I thanked to God immediately for giving me life again. This experience made me sad for whole month that I was not enjoying anything as I was not forgetting it. Still I can't forget but accepted it as a reality.

    Every soul will taste death
    Quran 3:185
    For me Yes, Its 100% true!

  7. Makes me smile that drs in medicine kept an open mind and didn't try to explain nde with their own conclusions… I believe in nde wholeheartedly. I've read books on it and thousands of ppl in the world, different continents, different countries ALL describe very similar experiences.. ppl that have never spoke to each other! And there are nde of going to hell and being tormented by demons as well.

  8. this just proves we ARE in a predetermined simulation of sorts. most people are told they have to go back they have not finished their mission/work.

  9. I cannot thank you enough for uploading this truly enlightening program. It confirms everything we knew from the experiences of NDE's.
    Hearing it all from the scientists makes it set in stone!
    Now, I want to read the paper published in The Lancet, so will get a subscription. Also I would love to read the Phd discertation Dr Francois Lallier did on the subject but that will be probably very difficult to obtain.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this program.
    I'll share it with my friends, who just like me, have lost their members of family. This life isn't it!

  10. Dr Susan Blackmore, have you seen this? I hope you can apologize to all these people you discredited and laughed at! It was very infuriating to watch you belittling them. But, I hope they didn't care at all, they knew what they had experienced and no one can ever take that away from them!

  11. One of the best made NDE documentaries I've seen! Beautifully created and produced, well done !
    L’un des documentaires NDE les mieux réalisés que j’ai vus! Magnifiquement créé et produit, bravo !

  12. Bonjour Nous devons aimer Dieu et notre prochain et toujours prier les uns pour les autres. Pour notre méditation : (Hé 10.) C'est pourquoi, frères, nous avons pleine confiance pour entrer dans le Lieu Très Saint par le sang de Jésus, par une voie nouvelle et vivante qu'il nous a ouverte à travers le voile, c'est-à-dire à travers son corps ." ,
    au milieu des difficultés, des tragédies, des traumatismes et des déceptions qui nous affectent parfois dans cette vie, il y a l'espérance ..en Christ. Par sa souffrance, sa mort et sa résurrection, il nous a montré un nouveau chemin vers l'amour du Père Éternel Créateur. En Christ, nous retournerons au réconfort, à la protection et à la direction de l'Éternel Dieu, Père de l'amour. Cherchez-le de tout votre cœur. Jésus vous aime et veut vous sauver. Prier. Lis la bible. Jésus reviendra bientôt. Vous êtes précieux pour Dieu. Du Brésil.

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