![1000 Near-Death Experiences: a preview of Heaven & Hell? John Burke](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1000-Near-Death-Experiences-a-preview-of-Heaven-amp-Hell-John-818x490.jpg)
Near-death experiences make for popular books and movies. But what should we do with them? Are they to be trusted? Are they Biblical? John Burke investigated 1000 NDEs and shares his insight.
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God bless,
Bullshit there is NO hell except the one on earth. We humans create it!
Incredibly Biblical???? Um “For if is APPOINTED to man to DIE ONCE and AFTER THIS THE JUDGEMENT”. This is why these cannot be possible, it goes again SCRIPTURE.
Thank God for John Burke in writing this book. I read the book and it impressed me as authentic, filled me with hope, and eased my fear of death tremendously
Soul (Ruh (Arabic)/ Ruah (Hebrew)) does not die, however, self (nafs(Arabic)/naphesh(Hebrew) dies.
“Every Nafs will taste death. Then to Us will you be returned” ( Quran: 29:57).
Im a Christian and I had a nde in 2009 . The nurse who was with me in the ER and my wife . Witnessed my dying and coming back. The nurse went out almost screaming we have a miracle man.
True miracle the Drs after testing twice couldnt believe my heart had no damage from the massive pulmonary embolism . Test from the ER showed my heart was to the bursting point. Im 65 and no heart trouble. Yes I saw the blackness and light without pain IVE had since 1979 floating peacefully that cant be explained if you havent felt it.
As for the hell experiences, the Bible says, “There is pleasure in sin for a season, and then comes the judgment.”
🎀 "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called"🎀1 Tim6:12
Sounds like this guy is the one trying to make a living off of religion. He looks like a scam.
Isn’t your brain flooded with dmt when you die? Cause people that have taken dmt day the same exact thing, that this life seems so fake and the place dmt takes them sense to be what’s real.
I had my near death experience at 26 ,I was dieing from paratinitis ,he held me as we went up the tunnel I was forgetting and he showed me my 4 mth old and sent me back the light was so beautiful there is no word even bigger was the love I felt ,I can’t wait to go it’s so incredible
There are many muslims and hindu who have had near-death experiences and say they have gone to heaven. It seems that near-death experiences and heaven are a reality beyond religion. I read it on the BBC. According to research on near-death experiences, going to heaven or hell is not linked to belief and lifestyle.
Does God forgive ALL sins? Are there any sins that God will not forgive, even if we confess and ask for forgiveness?
1 Thes . 4: 15- 17. This is the fulfilment of Tabernacles in the AIR.
NOWHERE in this scripture does it say 'heaven'. EVIL men say so.
WHEN We ask Yahweh :" WHAT is the Tabernacle of Yahweh He will show Us in the scripture."
Rev. 21: 1- 3. Here we are told the Tabernacle of Yahweh is WITH men.
The Tabernacle of Yahweh is the NEW Jerusalem. Rev. 21: 9- 10.
Rev. 21: 9- 10. The NEW Jerusalem is the BRIDE of Yahshua. Rev. 21: 2.
Zeck. chapter 14 is the second coming. Zeck. 14: 16 we are told that the nations are still ON THE EARTH after the second coming and come up to the NEW Jerusalem to keep the feast of Tabernacles for the thousand year reign of Yahweh's SON on the earth made NEW commencing at the second coming sitting on David's throne and ruling the earth as king of kings and lord of lords.
NOWHERE in any of these scriptures does it say :" Go to heaven."
The teaching of going to heaven is a FALSE teaching from EVIL pastors and priests.
NOWHERE in the entire scripture does it say people go to heaven.
Matt. 5: 5. The Meek will inherit the earth made NEW at the second coming.
Matt. 5: 5 will witness against all who believe in the rapture and send them to the Lake of fire on judgement day.
Matt. 5: 5. On the earth. Spoken by Yahweh's SON.
Rev. 5: 10. On the earth. Spoken by Yahweh's SON to John.
Isa. 11: 9. On the earth. Spoken by Yahweh's SON to Isaiah.
Zeck. 14: 9. On the earth. Spoken by Yahweh's SON to Zechariah.
To believe in a rapture of ANY kind you MUST totally REJECT all these plain and simple scriptures spoken by Yahweh's SON Yahshua
. It is not wise to reject the scripture from Yahweh's SON.
Isa. 2: 3- 4. Isa. 11:6-9. Isa. 66: 22- 23. Micah 4:2- 3. Zeck. 14: 9. Zeck. 14; 16.
To believe in a rapture of ANY kind you MUST REJECT all these plain and simple scriptures spoken by Yahweh's SON Yahshua.
It is not wise to REJECT the scriptures spoken by Yahweh's SON Yahshua.
The entire scripture says:" Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom is COMING to this earth made NEW.
Matt. 6: 10. Your KINGDOM COME to the earth.
Enoch preached:' Your Kingdom COME to the earth.
Abraham preached:' Your Kingdom COME to this earth.
Moses preached:" Your Kingdom COME to this earth.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel all preached:" Your kingdom COME to this earth.
ALL the prophets preached:" Your Kingdom COME to this earth."
Yahshua preached :" Your kingdom COME to this earth." Mark. 1: 15.
Paul preached:" Your kingdom COME to this earth." Acts 28: 31.
Rev. 22: 12. Yahshua is COMING to rule the earth made NEW as King of kings and lord of lords.
Rev. 19: 16. " Yahshua WILL be King of Kings during His thousand year reign on the earth made NEW. " Rev. 20: 4 and 6.
Rev. 5: 10. Yahweh's Born again SAINTS will rule WITH Yahshua on the earth during His thousand year reign on the earth made NEW.
Rev. 2: 26- 28. The SAINTS will rule WITH Yahshua for the thousand years on the earth made NEW.
THE ENTIRE scripture says Yahweh's incorruptible Kingdom is COMING to this earth made NEW.
The rapture is an EVIL teaching.
Matt. 5: 5 will witness against all who believe in a rapture of ANY kind.
The scripture says that in the last days they will not endue sound doctrine. They will be turned away to FABLES.
The rapture is a FABLE.
2 Tim. 4: 1- 4. These are Christians. So says Yahweh .
It is a FEARFUL thing to say :" So says Yahweh."
May THE creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come.
My hearts desire is:" Rev. 22: 14. Rev. 21: 1- 7." These scriptures commence at the second coming. Rev. 20: 4 and 6. Matt. 5: 5. Rev. 5: 10.
May Yahweh give you your hearts desire.
Heb. 12: 14.
bless you
I love N.D.E.s I think they are beautiful mystical experiences!!!! People change and the veil has been lifted.!!! Just love them. !!!!!
This is a Christian slant, NOT critical honesty.
What this video discounts is that many or actually most that have positive near death experiences are not Christian but are atheist, agnostics and are people of every other religion.. so yes. It is universalism. No matter what religion you are or faith or lack there of, they have nearly all positive near death experiences. So Christians will have to understand or reconcile the fact that Christ is much larger than any dogma that being a Christian is the only way to what they consider heaven. Don’t believe me? Look up ANY study on NDEs. They will speak for themself. I’ll add that at times even Christians who are full faith believes have had negative NDEs. This will tell you that specific religion alone has no bearing on if they reach what people will consider as heaven and it is totally dependent on if the experiencer believes that their life has been well lived and even then sometimes they too still have positive experiences and it does change their life. But what 100 percent of them say is that it was not religion specific but a universal presence of love, acceptance and ultimate forgiveness no matter what their religion is or was.
I'd like to hear Islam or Hindu near death experiences if you have them
Christianity is still a lie.
Well in the holy Qur'an it's written also that the afterlife is the real life did they But know, it says this life is a sport and play, a deception, a provission of vanities. And that the hereafter is the life.
…people will believe as they wish, but as the BIBLE is the ultimate source of truth, 'experience' is not. Hebrews 9:27 is not ambiguous, as it states, 'For, as it is appointed once for a person to die, but, after this the judgement.' Natural dreams, and drug induced 'visions' are not reliable. If one is a true 'born again' believer on the LORD JESUS CHRIST, then the BIBLE positively MUST be your guide. 'I know whom I have believed, …'