A compilation of stories about the purpose of life told by people who have had a near death experience.
00:05 Dannion Brinkley
03:20 Renee Pasarow
09:48 Raymond Kinman
13:08 Natalie Sudman
14:07 Tom Leach
16:09 Sharon Milliman
19:02 Ingrid Honkala
21:36 Bill McDonald
23:07 David Bennett
26:08 Ellyn Dye
27:58 Jayne Smith
31:46 Kimberly Clark Sharp
33:59 Heidi Craig
35:38 Tami Close
38:38 Sharon Millman
42:00 Anne Horn
45:58 Richard Kelley
49:36 Beverly Brodsky
55:06 Chris Batts
1:02:50 Ingrid Honkala
1:10:34 Maya Angelou
What a wonderful channel – I love these NDE subject compilations 🙏
So eye opening. It has triggered my awareness of "HUGE BUYERS REGRET".
Holy Crap. I put this video on pause while I wrote the previous comment, and,
l kid you not, I hit play again at 55:20 and what's the first thing I hear? A guy saying he felt relief. Arrrrrgh. Too, fun.
I've been addicted to these since I first heard them. Which, sadly, has only been since this year. I'm 61. You can imagine my feeling of…man, if only I could have had these a few decades ago.
Anyway, there's one word I have yet to hear when these people speak to how they felt upon "the realization" that the "I AM" is… is relief. I haven't had anything that I can say is concrete evidence to hang on to my whole life until now and I can tell you, for me it is a profound RELIEF. I am so thankful to all of you who get in front of the camera and bless us with the blessings of the I AM,
which I happily call God. And of-course your Lord and mine, Jesus. I feel so small and presumptuous somehow saying this but, God Bless You…but, it is from the deepest part of me that I say it.
Well, text it. 😇
I love everyone here ❤️
Thank you for spreading the knowledge. Peace and Love.
Love the new faces…the old ones too!
I love this. 'You are NOT a sinner!'
these folks are right, it’s meant to be play. we’re meant to have fun so be sure you do!
Thank you so much, these accounts have lifted me up! Most of these persons I had heard before and could name them just by hearing their voice. So wonderful to hear them all at one time!
So inspiring! Let’s do this ya’ll! Love it up! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
These NDE testimonials are FAR more important than reading a book called the Bible. Just my opinion
This is a brilliant compilation. The best of the best. I have previously heard each of these individual stories.
Groovy video good job
This is so inspiring for real, God is Good, Love is Lit❤️🔥
Very good, thank you.
I’ve watched numerous NDE videos and this is the best compilation I have seen. While watching this, I had tears come out of my eyes. I felt this explained what it’s like crossing over the best. Because we hear so many accounts but how can we digest and process or understand them?
Our purpose is just to love.
One lady talks about how what we remember when we cross over is how we loved. How something as simple as a smile, or giving your sweater to warm someone creates ripples. She explained it so eloquently. How each action is like a stone that creates a ripple effect.
I think back to the times I’ve been so moved. My best friend had the best smile. When she smiled, it was just beautiful. That’s what I remember of her. I remember her kindness. Or I remember a complete stranger treating me to a warm cup of cappuccino just to warm me up when I was feeling cold on an autumn night.
What I got out of this powerful video is that it’s not our intellectual knowledge or our material possessions but it’s how we loved.
It’s super cliche but we can feel the impact of love. Love does heal.
I think back on how there was a school shooter at a middle school and how this one teacher responded. She asked the shooter if they were shooting. She then just took the gun away from them and gave them a hug and told them: “We’ll get through this together.” Just that one simple act like a hug and showing empathy and compassion was so powerful that that saved lives. That prevented numerous casualties. That simple act of love.
Then I wonder, to refer back to Fruits Basket, “Do people exist to be punished?” When we think about how we treat people who commit sins, or make mistakes?
It reminded me of what my best friend’s father told me:
There are no sins. There is no death. Death is an illusion. There is no Heaven. It’s not up there and there’s no hell. It’s not down there. God is one of you.
Powerful video.
As NDEr Chuck Griswald said, "Life is Love, is God. And if you add anything else to this, you are not making it any better."
I've seen hundreds of NDE videos and I had this thought a few nights ago that I should start an NDE compilation youtube page where I compile all the videos I've seen. Today I happily discovered this has already been done. I can't wait to look at the content.