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Intro and Outro animation:
Cursed Mark
Outro Song:
Super G@mer Boy
FTC: This video is not sponsored
4.8 Earthquake just struck Bali 😥
Aki You need a Knife or some sort of serrated blade
Maybe a tic remover?
This was very interesting and informative. Definitely made me think how can I make my home more safe in case of emergency.
Aki make sure your documents, chargers and external batteries are in waterproof bags from the start. Better safe than sorry
never too late to learn about this kinds of stuff
Aki! I live in myanmar and my family is thinking about fleeing to japan (Bc…shit country) with no money and no-one who speeks japaneese! Any tips for us?
Rope! You can get those rope bracelets but rope is super helpful and important!
I'm also paranoid. I'm wanting to prepare for the winter now before anything happens and everyone panic buys. Last winter the power was off and we didn't have power or heat for over a week.
Aki has a stand confirmed, comment possible names. Im calling it, Safety Dance, She can activate it at will against opponents on the spot, but if she prepares for a possible natural disaster automatically activates it and within a week a natural disaster happens, the catch is she doesnt know what disaster it is, with earthquake, hurricanes, etc having diffents chances of occuring and the location having different odds, with Aki's location having the odds compared to a random location, but against multiple opponents, their homes location are now added to the odds, lowering akis odds of a disaster happening to her home and dividing the odds between the number of opponents and a random location.
There’s been a lot of earthquakes here in my area recently, we experienced more than 11 earthquakes these past 2 days and it’s really scaring me right now so now I’m preparing an emergency backpack
no not New York its like ur good and bad luck good because you prep us but also predict earthquakes'
9:02 ayo you got your very own Paimon niceeeee!
ngl but that lamp is super useful
I love it!! I'd add a tooth brush and tooth paste and toilet paper.
And someone said that they would add water purification tablets. My husband has this dropper it's like a mile full of water purification liquid I would definitely add that too
Hi Aki! great vid, it's good to be prepared. I've also prepared myself an emergency bag since many years ago.. If I may give you some suggestions, it's better to bring stainless steel cup instead of a plastic one, if you need to boil water you can just use it as a pot, if you bring a slightly bigger cup than normal mug size you can even use it to cook single portion of food.. I also recommend you to bring stainless steel eating utensils cuz it will be easier to sterilize if you don't have access to soap. Also, canned food are great, but they're heavy, make sure your bag is not too heavy for you cuz you need to save your energy in some situations.. Hope this could help! ^^
oh! and don't forget spare hair ties~
I really need to do this since there are so many hurricanes in Florida and the chances of needing to evacuate is entirely possible 😫
Aki make more detective Aki videos pls it's entertaining, sad, interesting, thrilling, it's rly fun and mysterious.
Aki you seem to have power before earthquake
I think you could replace the mirror and notebook by much smaller ones and add at least one water bottle! If you have to survive outside for a while in summer and plumbing and vending machines are down, half a litre will last you about an hour…
Her emergency pack is better accoutered than my actual home…