15 Most Inspiring Animal Rescues

15 Most Inspiring Animal Rescues
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Sometimes animals manage to get themselves into quite a pickle, don’t they? Often through human blunder or neglect, but sometimes just through following their own inquisitive natures – let’s hope these stories all have happy endings…. From mud-wrestling with an eagle in a Polish marsh, to kayaking with a deer, here are 15 Most Inspiring Animal Rescues!

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About the Author: The Fancy Banana


  1. Never forget: most insect pests depend on very specific environmental conditions to exist. Often these can be analysed as moisture, warmth, food, and suitable hiding places, so the key to safe pest control would be to change the conditions that cause them to be where they are. Especially with cockroaches, and termites, the cheapest form of pest control might start with a trip to the Library to find out more about the pest, and the wisest use of chemicals, if required. They are not always so complicated.

  2. In early 1991, my husband and I rescued a dog from our local animal shelter. My husband worked a lot, and we got the dog to keep me company. I was six months pregnant at the time. Two weeks after my dogs rescue, I had fallen asleep on the couch watching television when smoke started coming out of the back of the set. My precious little rescue started jumping up and down by me trying to wake me up. I quickly unplugged the set so there wouldn’t be a fire. I never had this happen to me before, nor has something like this ever happen since.
    I truly believe it was fate that brought us together. In those days there was no such thing as a ‘No Kill’ shelter. I saved my dogs life and in turn he saved my life, and my (unborn) daughters life.

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