It’s almost #Halloween and we received a text on the #HopeForPaws line for a kind couple who fed a homeless cat they named #Grimm 🎃
JoAnn Wiltz and her friend Dominique headed out and met this cat who had a pretty sad coat, he had a huge abscess on his back, terrible dental disease, and sadly he also suffers from FIV (Feline immunodeficiency virus).
Thanks to your support, they were able to get him to the hospital and get him the best medical care. For this holiday, we really hope to grow the number of our supporters. We would LOVE it if you would join us as a Hope For Paws member with a $5 monthly donation here: https://www.HopeForPaws.org
Our friends at #SierraPacificFurbabies found Grimm a loving forever home, and it is so cool to see him living inside, playing, and enjoying life. If you are looking to adopt a cat or a kitten, please check them out here: https://www.SierraPacificFurbabies.com
One last thing… I noticed that a few of you still didn’t download the Hope For Paws APP and a few forgot to turn on the notifications. The APP is FREE – all you have to do is search for “Hope For Paws” at APP Store or on #GooglePlay, install it, and then either Loreta or myself will be able to text you and let you know when a new video is out.
If you would like to receive email notifications, please join us here: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/Join
Thank you so much for LIKING our videos – it helps us A LOT!
If everybody who viewed this had donated just $1.00, they would have far surpassed their goal already. Imagine had all of you donated $5.00.
Thank you,all!!!!! I can't imagine how much pain " they" endure, until they're rescued!!!!!
LOL. Good for Grimm.
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She reminds me of my long haired black Little Girl Cat, soon to celebrate her 21st year with her littermates, Fuzzy and Fluffy, the male alpha cat. All 3 will be 21 on Halloween.
Thank you for rescuing Grimm.
Grimm is so sweet
Always luv the hope for paws theme when October arrives 🍁🕸️🍂👻💀
What a cool cat
Aww, my heart goes out to Grimm. God Bless you!
I don’t know if anyone who knows for sure will see this – but is Hope For Dogs affiliated to Hope For Paws? I’ve been watching Hope For Paws rescue videos for a long while now – but recently I’ve seen a few videos attributed to Hope For Dogs pop up. What caught my eye is how similar the logos & fonts are – but I can’t find anything about them online. It’s cool if they do work together (and apologies for my suspicious mind!) but if they’re using a logo to fool people into thinking they’re legit & part of HFP (and posting their PayPal info in their videos) I just think that’s pretty low.
I wish they could find a cure for Cat FIV. Unfortunately I lost my Angel baby to FIV, she was a rescue. I'm just happy she's not suffering from it anymore. There's so much animals that you guys have rescued. And so much more animals you will rescue. God bless you all.🙏❤
Definitely a former pet. A feral would never let himself be picked up so easily
You guys do wonderful work for strays! But you must never carry a cat by his neck skin!!! It is very painful and could cause damage! You can immobilise them with that grip but always give support with your other hand or a towel!
Thank you for not forgetting about kitties!! 🐱😊
I love what you guys do! I am in Maine, so about as far away from you guys as I can get, but I have really enjoyed watching your videos and spreading the word to my California family! I've noticed there is another YouTube channel that has thumbnails for their videos that look deceptively like Hope for Paws, but they say Hope for Dogs and they are in Detroit. I think they are called World Animal Awareness Society. Is this an organization that is affiliated with Hope for Paws?
I lived alone with Katie, an abandoned/adopted cat, for 16 years. She was loving, faithful, totally forgiving, asked for nothing. R.I.P. Katie.
Beautiful ❤️
Really gorgeous
Poor kitty🌹 a gentle old soul
Love the music and thank you for what you do for these sweet animals.
Can't believe that she is picking the cat up by the scruff. that is ONLY for mother cats to carry BABIES.
Awwwwwww!!!! he's adorable!!! I'm so glad you found him!
Poor baby but he waiting for help I’m so happy he has a new life now👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Happy to be a donor! May Grimm have many more years filled with love, security and good health! Thanks to Hope for Paws, I think he will 🙂
Back in 1975 a danish popgroup made a popular song about a stray cat. The song concluded, that being a stray cat is a dogs life – so be kind to them.
God bless the rescue team and the family helping to feed Grimm. I've had a lot of Grimm's in my life. Black cats are not evil they just have the coloration God wanted s they can adapt to their night time niche. God blesses all creation. May you be blessed and prosper as well. Psalm 115:15 Amen.
Poor cat hope u god well gd luck hope u go to a gd home bless u 🤗💜❤️😘
Grimm is the sweetest Grimm cat ever…
Per favore sottotitoli in italiano,grazie.
This channel really does so much for the better of animals. Thank you for all you do. The reason I’m deciding to major in veterinary medicine is because of seeing all that this channel does
Beautiful cat with some real personality. He’s a keeper ❤️🐕
Thank you for saving Grimm. And to the people who looked out for him too!
Grimm is so sweet
Hi hope for paws I’m commenting from my uncle’s iPad I just wanted to say I’m a huge fan of what you do so if I come to California one day and I see a stray dog you’ll be the first one I’ll call
Grimm looks far from grim now. I will now donate a little. Thank you for saving him.
Grimm,is gorgeous,adorable.🥰😻