Woman adopts disabled pet store fish
Check out Gwendolyn’s amazing rescue work on Instagram: instagram.com/friendsofphilip_fishsanctuary
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Faith in humanity restored
Aww, good job
"Hear and bless thy beasts and singing birds. Guard with tenderness small things that have no words" Fish are awesome!!!
Omg. You're so awesome!!! I have fish in my ponds that I love to hand feed worms. When I get close they start to jump around. Apparently they sense me or hear me?? I call them. "My little dogs"
He needs a fish wheelchair no joke look it up
I had pet fishes once and while some died of age, some died of sickness and this video just gives me joy to see that these aquatic animals are being treated with care.
I don’t want to hurt any feelings but did anybody’s mum and dad just flush them down the toilet and get a new one.
Love and blessings
Fantastic it's grate to see kind people like yourself loving fish as much as myself lots if love and a sub from the big time fishkeeper
Fish, Rodents, Birds, Reptiles… they all go through this and it’s horrible. I’m glad that they’re are people rescuing these animals but we we need to do more. More information. Better cages and aquariums. Better food.
I don't have the time/patience/know-how to have a tank, but I will always remember a local pet place-they carried fish, reptiles, birds, etc – (since closed because none of the kids wanted to take it over) had this 10?Inch fish in a larger tank. He was not pretty, in fact was a kind of mousey, muddy brown (i cannot remember what kind of fish he was). But he would follow you, in his tank and would come up to the glass if you approached. It was clear to me that he wanted to interact. I sometimes think about that fish and hope that whomever took him home loved him well. I'd never before met a fish that was so very clearly interested in humans and paid attention to them in that manner.
I would have flushed it down the toilet
Now I want to have fish to give them a better life 🥲
I hope the fish grows up to attend a good school, learn the piano, marry well and do good works for the society.
Me feeding 100 goldfish a week to my predatory fish:
This is what comes of capitalism on lifeforms. There are not enough people on this planet like this lady. May the universe smile upon you for your good deeds.
I love fish moved to New Mexico and I can’t get a tank they live. So I gave it up. My fish all had names I might try it again
Reading some comments here, im actualy in shock that all these pet stores in the US sell fish in cups…
It's hard to know what's worse, one fish in a tiny cup or hundreds of fish in a tiny display tank… You see fish all the time in tiny tanks here in Ireland and I cry every time I see them
Fish are so unappreciated and overlooked
They are extremely clever in different ways than us.they are so badly cared for in many homes. It is hard and work to care properly for fish and look after the water cycle.
Super , intersting and happy inside
Wow, you are doing great job actually. I pretty sure it`s satisfying as well. Keep going!
Who knows she could be a mermaid back in her past life
Ps; ik betta fish n goldfish r not from the sea
Thank you for you very important work. Bless you and your big beautiful heart🥰
i started housing a couple gold fish after my mom wouldn’t let me have a dog or a cat…. and it’s true 🙂
These fishies have personalities & they feel things. They’re are LOTS of them suffering at Walmart or Petco or Petsmart. Sometimes I see the fish waiting to be bought living with tons of dead fish & it’s so hard to see.
having flashbacks when my mom was properly cleaning the fish tank (it was REALLY dirty and i think the filter wasn’t working properly)
all the fish were in a huge bucket, everything was fine and dandy at first—
until we put them back and all the fish died cuz she didn’t rinse it properly 💀
i was like 7 and i still feel sad about it
I hate seeing Beta fish and they would sell them at 99 cent stores.
A disabled indian ring neck parrot baby is my pet…. He cant fly he can't walk… He cant stand properly without cloth so i keep cloths for him changes cloths.. washes his cloths… Makes a soft bed.. everything.. 🥲hope he atleast walks someday
Amazing what a little love can do.
man i wish you could adopt my fish
my mom likes buying siamese fighting fishes and just put them in a small tank only to neglect them after a few days. Even after telling her to stop buying fishes, she was persistent. But unfortunately i live in a very different country and none of anyone i know besides the united states can take care of fishes
the fish is still in its little tank to this day and it once was so blue but now it has turned completely black
i've had a few fish when i was younger but we always put them in the small bowl tanks and i feel so bad because this one fish i had would always jump out of his bowl but we didn't know why and he passed away not long after we got him. i realize now that he probably didn't like that he was living in such a small bowl. i wish i could've given him a better life than the one i gave him and i genuinely hope he's in a better place now. 💙
One of my fish is swiming on the top of the tank onky andnot moving that much
Thank you so much for educating me and I am going to search for more information about fish, since I love all animals, but honestly NEVER thought about fish. Thank you ♡
Oh wow I gave my fish to her I didn’t know she was so famous! She is amazing!!
Fish in tanks are basically the same as birds in jails
im a fish keeper so, i really appreciate this service for saving these beautiful creatures. im positive Benjamin got the best life possible even if it was fairly short so,. thank you.
She has such a good heart!
Hallelujah! I have always worried about these fish in stores! I am so grateful you do this for them!! ✨💛✨