Baby Animals In Our World is a humorous narration driven series based on a day in the life of a broad range of extremely cute baby animals from a wide variety of natural, domestic and cultural environments around the world.
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#RealWild #Documentary
WHere are all the lambs and sheep? Too many goats
I didn't see any lambs in the intro
look for the animals and nice music, the constant narration ruins it
mass toronto
Why Iâm vegan:
If you're not vegan you are paying a farmer to abuse and kill these animals.
Piglets 6 months later in gas chamber very stressed. Painful death
Very, very beautiful !
Amazing playful Animals
Looks pretty out there.
All baby animals wanna play, sweet. đđ
Am I the only one that would like to severely beat the narrator woman?
Are calves actually drinking Milk? I thought they are taken away from the moms and milk is for humans only … disgusting ! Arenât we!
If I had a farm, I canât kill any of them. They are just too cute.
Next episode of days before slaug***r
Although I guess despite us farminh and killing animals, it's also a symbiotic relationship of dependence. These animals only continued on their subspecies due to being reliant on humans over the 10 thousand years. They choose the safety of human protection to continue breeding and pass their genes than to risk it out there in the wild?!
I hope there's some sort of study that proved playful happy animals taste better or is more healthy to eat…we farm animals and kill them for food, it would be nice if they could at least have a fun time rather than systematically being farmed and treated like inventory, before their…you know …time.
Watching animals without narration is a ton more fun.