we found a injured parrot. so I take him to home and give some medical help. plz help them they are helpless. his eyes are closed so that he can not see anything. and one of his leg was broken.
what do you think?
plz comment down below about your favorite part and plz don’t skip the video.
and like and subscribe the channel. it helps to grow our the rott family.
Rotweiler Dog is a very good family dog as well as a very good guard dog.Children are not at any risk from the Rotweiler Dog. This is what I am trying to tell in this video.my dog is a well trained dog,it is very difficult to teach the prpoper guard command to the dog, so please do not try it at home.Now we have a new family member.that we are waiting for a long time.we are blased that we are get baby girl.my dog rottweiler jerry is very happy to meet new born baby for the first time.we are trying to show you the reaction of jerry to meet baby girl.
#dogprotectingbaby #babyprotection #guraddog#newbornbaby#jerry #rottweiler #babygirl #guarddog #rottweiler #jerry #anshu #funnydogvideo #jerry #emotional #emotionaldog #anshu #helpanimal #babyanddog #newbornbaby #jerryand anshu #caring
my Insta id- rajveersingh0203
jerry’s insta id- therott7
our gym address –
Health park gym thakur baba mandir Uma jain ka hospital shivpuri (m.p.)
pin- 473551
Congratulation in advance for your 2 million Jerry please give me heart
बहुत अच्छा काम किया आपने. God bless you all 🌹🙏
I'm Andhra Pradesh 👍 video supar
Please give me a heart
Good job😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️
So sweet 💖🐦🙏
I love you Jerry god bless you baccha and god bless to your sweet and Happy family 🙏😘😍🌹🐕🐕❤️
Lovely dog and parrot
Great job. May god bless your family
Love you Jerry 😘😘😘😘😘😘
All of U have done the Great Job and saved the Parrot..Awesome
Who are all tamil, reply me
Humanity is alive 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
Nijam ga vellipoyindha parrot
If only. Jerry could speak !!!
It's illigal to keep this indian parrot in house
Parrot can eat every thing but please enko koi salt and chocolate wala chij mt Dena…
Ur family is really lucky to have Jerry, such a smart doggy.
Sooooo cute aapne parrot ki help krk bahut aacha kaam kiyaa and maine sunaa tha ki dogs parrot ko khaa jate h but aaj prrof hogyaa ki aisa kuch nahi h Jerry is so smart
भैया जी कहा है
Beautiful people
So adorable video of lovely family caring for their pets🐶🙏🏼❤️
Jerry is so adorable and he understands everything what ever you guys tell him he is so wonderful dog luv him a lot
Jerry is very very intelligent 🤓 ❤️ love for jeery !!
Jerry fans from കേരളാ മലയാളീസ്
Mere Ghar per bhi parrott hai
So cuite