COSSETTE'S DEATH!! || Takt Op. Destiny Episode 2 Reaction

COSSETTE'S DEATH!! || Takt Op. Destiny Episode 2 Reaction
Spread The Viralist

This Takt Op. Destiny Reaction was COSETTE’S DEATH! Cosette was a COMPLETELY different person from episode 1, and she showed SO MUCH EMOTION! Cosette and Takt played on the Piano, then Cossette got struck by a Meteor!.. and started her transition..

🈷️BECOME A SWOLE MEMBER TO GET EARLY ACCESS! (One Piece, Haikyu, Boruto, Avatar)



💪I am the Swolekage of the village hidden in the GAINS. I command you to join the Swole Body GANG! ᕙ( • ‿ • )ᕗ

Thank you guys for watching!

🎵Music In the video!
Outro song –

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#taktopdestiny #takt #animereaction


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About the Author: Heisuten Reacts


  1. I've been meaning to start this series, but I might have to turn the noti bell off from this reaction channel bc of the spoiler title.

    Other than that. Keep up the good work 🙂

  2. Heisuten I just wanna say that your titles are really spoiled, I remember watched haikyuu not getting those excitement because you wrote "Karasuno losses to.." 😂

  3. Maann i hope you can think of other titles for your reactions. Please don't put spoilers or at least put something that is at least more subtle don't just put the spoiler in full block capital letters.

  4. Yeahhh so that’s the reason why Cossette was acting so different in this episode compared to the last one, because she died and now she’s someone different

  5. Maestro is a music term, basically “Conductor” or the one who leads the band. so his name is Takt Asahina, and the reason music was banned by the Symphonica was his fathers death. Also yes this is 10/6 years in the past

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