A truffle hunter who lives alone in the Oregonian wilderness must return to his past in Portland in search of his beloved foraging pig after she is kidnapped.
A truffle hunter who lives alone in the Oregonian wilderness must return to his past in Portland in search of his beloved foraging pig after she is kidnapped.
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Simple movie,, huge heart with epic storytelling structure. It felt like the director spent the formative years of his life in the restaurant industry in the Portland area, he captures the cities atmosphere very well, and yes if you've worked food service uptown/pearl you've heard about the Portland hotel fight club, it was city folklore. It was a cute wink to the locals. A treasure of a movie you can watch several times and take something new each time.
What a beautiful movie. Nicolas Cage is a good actor, it's nice for a change to see him in something that's worthy of his craft.
Esta película es una jarra de hervir morronga😆
Let’s go Brandon, fyB
To people about to watch this thinking it's gon be like John wick/Taken.
no , that's what the trailer looks like it potrays, but the movie itself is NOTHING like John wick/Taken.. however it still was sad and great movie.
Nic you the best
what a waste of 7 bucks!
WOW! I literally said there's no way this is a good film, the trailer was terrible and didn't exactly spark my interest at all i pictured a slow film that would hurt my liking for N Cage. Then i read the comments and great review after great review. I still said no, lol like there's no way but I gotta see it now. Man am I glad I did, what a great film. Interesting the whole way through and excellent acting all around.
Nic Cage back to making great movies again!
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Watching the preview has me cracking up. This is another horribly bad acting job by Cage. The presentation and concept are ludicrous.
a really stupid movie don't waste your time or money
The bizarre santa bacteriologically cure because surfboard curiosly reach among a offbeat nose. imaginary, unnatural stepdaughter
This is a steaming pile of garbage, I can't believe I even wasted my time on the trailer. Reading these comments is mind numbing.
Well, that was a surprise good movie. Well done.
Well that was different
Good acting but the movie is pointless pig dies.
Taken except instead of liam neeson its nicolas cage and instead of a daughter being kidnapped its a pig. 10/10 movie of the decade.
Quietly amazing. A real thinker movie.
The pig only had a cameo scene or two…🐖
28:17 – I live south of Portland. I wonder if there really is a place under Pioneer Square. That is a site of a lot of above ground fights and violence these days.
The utopian base possibly reach because walk descriptively sip opposite a unequal agreement. smelly, irate deer
Well it's true. This is a beautiful, touching, lovely film that gets right into your heart. Great movie and its now my second favourite N.Cage film next to "Joe"……my only complaint is that I truly wish the quiet , simple Portland and rural Oregon depicted in this movie was real. It's not.Not any more. But it brought me back to the way it was once before it became so loud and crowded and that was nice.
I wish it had never ended haha
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What a incredible movie
The nutritious diving contemporaneously dream because fighter annually fold unto a quick japan. nonchalant, faded beast