4Chan Rescues a Cat – Tales From the Internet

4Chan Rescues a Cat - Tales From the Internet
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Despite its reputation in the mainstream media, 4chan has always had a soft spot for cats. This was demonstrated best by the time 4chan users rescued a small gray cat named Dusty from its owner, a kid named Kenny Glenn.

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  1. the cats face at 5:17 made me cry. i also have a cat named dusty. she was a very boney stray we took in and she is the color of grey dust (paler than the poor kitty in the vid), shes very nice and took to us immediately after deciding our backyard was a perfect new home… and place to welcome 2 kittens. we couldn't keep the little flufs because we had 4 others including Dusty but we know they went to a good home. knowing that the fuckin little shit wasnt properly punished from the comments im gonna have to end the video here. anybody know if the cat was rescued from that ….? fuck i cant think of a good insult.

  2. Anyone that abuses animals deserve to be shot actually no they deserve to be dumped into a vat of acid or have their skinned peeled off and be bathed in lemon juice

  3. It's odd i've seen some terrible FOD type of videos before..
    Some real sick/ disturbing stuff, I will never go back and watch again.
    That being said, if I see someone abusing (especially a cat).. I lose my gd mind!
    It's like a human instinct to get the feels for pets that can't speak up..
    Just like when you see a movie 100 innocent people get killed,
    but god forbid you see a dog or a cat get killed. 🥴
    It's weird that it somehow makes sense?.. idk.

  4. 4chan is an intellectual shithole, as in a metaphorical hole dug in the ground for the purpose of shitting in so that people aren't shitting everywhere else. Society is a living thing and everybody poops. Stop society from being able to poop and what happens is the same thing that happens to a person. So that's why despite its function the people there can do stuff like this, because they are still regular, or at least mostly regular people.

  5. 4chan: posts pictures of cat memes, tips fedora guy
    also 4chan: ruthlessly tracks down 2 brothers in Oklahoma using mere pixels as evidence and contacting authorities and pizza places

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