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About the Author: 4 Ever Green


  1. 2 weeks ago a baby squirrel came up to me and I picked it up and it was soo cold so I put it in my jacket and today he 3 days ago he sadly passed away 😔

  2. The tiger story was awesome. Imagine you waking up and finding a dead deer in front of your door! Tiger was like “thanks, bruh. Have ya some great food too” 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. i would like to comment on the squirrel ending there….those mofos will be fucking friendly as fuck as long as u leave peanuts on ur steps during fall and winter. they will even crawl onto u after a summer. my parents were growing sunflowers and left alot of peanuts on my apartment steps while they were staying with me for the holidays and even months after just because they felt like it….the squirrels in the neighborhood apparently found my step their feeding ground….thanks mom and dad. i feel like a disney princess every morning when a cute squirrel thinks i'm okay as a human and climbs on me like i'm not threatening at all before i get into my car and sigh really hard before starting my engine while i find shit stains all over my hood that don't look like bird poop….my parents know that i hate animals…i'm buddhist…i'm tolerating. dont ask for videos, i dont have time for that shit. it's fucking enough, i actually spend 15 dollars a week just because my parents are too cheap to pay for this hobby. ugh. even fucking Thumper from Bambii showed up and ate peanuts last winter while i was drinking my whiskey with soju mix at 10 am….rabbit stew….hmmm

  4. I don't know, these people are very nice, but i dont know if i would help a deadly animal. Now they need help so they are being nice but just wait a day and they can kill 10 people somewhere else.

  5. Thanks to our heavenly father who created all things. They are extremely smart . Bible revelations 4: 11 gives evidence of their creator (God) and ours.

  6. I once had a mongoose phone me to ask for help because its giro had not arrived. The mongoose wanted to borrow 10 quid until its giro arrived.

  7. Ok I'll tell you what I think in the comments: stop asking me to tell you what I think in the comments after every single funking clip jesus christ already. Here's your interaction for the algorithm can you please shut up now?

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