Couple finds a tiny, naked sparrow after a storm — now she’s the biggest toilet paper thief! To keep up with the adorable Iris, you can follow along on TikTok …
Couple finds a tiny, naked sparrow after a storm — now she’s the biggest toilet paper thief! To keep up with the adorable Iris, you can follow along on TikTok …
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When Iris flew and landed on his head I actualy cheered..and I consider myself to be not overly emotional..but you got me Iris !! Thankyou both so much for caring for the 'little pink blob' …. 🙂
3:00 damn wtf how much force did that pull have
With any pet in the house, toilet lids need to always be closed – if a bird gets in there, it will drown.
“The release didn’t go so well.” Yeah right haha. Oh well, it’s not like they’re an endangered species or anything, so why not.
Oh she’s on top of things…so wonderful
I literally teared up. Thank you both for taking care of this beautiful smart bird. She seems like she has a great bond with you all and knows where’s home is. God Bless you both 🙌🏼🙏💝
🦋 so sweet, irus has adopted you guys she's a pretty girl ❤
👍if you love JESUS
3:15 shows that she wants to take a bath. I think the bird is a female she start making a nest. I use 7 inches of round and 2 inches deep bowl for my canary to take a bath.
will u pls like this?
Super, thanks for your 💖💕❤️
Супер ❤️
You saved and raised her, you're stuck with her! LOL! Sweet!
Soooo sweet.
Super cool
Normally a bird mom will leave the nest at some point that the chick never find her again, but human stay in their nest for years.
This is a good story about family
Maravillosa y tierna historia. 👌
i might go lie in their flowerbed
The world’s most spoiled sparrow ❤️❤️❤️ so sweet!
Absolutely beautiful!!!
One day a new born nighting gale fell from a nest and into my yard and I don't know how it got there ,however my family and I took it upon our selves to take care of the youngling. We had it a couple of months it, was more than just a bird to us, sadly it died while learning to fly . It fell and broke it's neck, that was like the saddest day of our lives.
Soooo cute 🥰
They’re the sweetest couple 🥰
Each being is such an individual. Thank you for your care.
I woke up short time ago, and love birds – how can the day start better like this? Thanks a lot for the upload and their patience and care they puting into Iris life and i wish her and her owners the best for the future! <3
She changed you.
that made me feel better.
I must admit that liking or disliking certain things are one's personal choice. However, I seriously fail to understand on 😔what made those 159 odd souls to dislike such a most beautiful and compassionate video. God bless the couple who took good care of the little birdie and also wish God fills the hearts of those 159 odd disliking people with love, care and compassion to all living beings. Signing off with great respects/Namaste 🙏 to that couple-Raj from India👍☺
👍 🇦🇷😉
This is one of the most touching videos I’ve seen. It completely warms my heart. God bless Julie, John and Iris!
Just Love this Heart worming story
You are her parents❤❤
I think you have a new child. God has blessed you.. in many ways.
keep. the. toilet. lid. closed.
I knew as soon as I saw them nursing that VERY newborn featherless infant bird back to health the there was NO way she was going back out into the wild… what they did is totally acceptable given the circumstances, as far as I’m concerned!
But no, that is YOUR bird now. That was clear from minute one. She only knows domesticity, life inside w humans! What would she do outside long-term?? So cute tho, blessings to all three.
Well done guys, good for you👍👍
Some birds aren't meant to fly, strange, but so is life