Convincing @Colleen Ballinger to adopt one of my husky puppies for her twins! 🐶
Watch my pet tour on @The Pet Collective!: https://youtu.be/q4sO4zJ5-NE
Adopt one of my husky puppies!: https://www.wagmorpets.org/Adoption/
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About Joey Graceffa:
Ahh good day everyone! My name is Joey Graceffa and welcome to my official daily vlog YouTube channel where I like to film my daily life with my puppies. You can find videos on my life with puppies, puppy first times, cute puppy moments, and SO much more! Join the family and make sure you are subscribed! I love you, until next time, good damn bye!
The puppies are officially up for adoption! Have any of you applied? 🥺
you should babysit flynn for a vlog
Colleen looks sooooo gorgeous 🥰
Tho video was adorable
october is my spirt animal
I love you and Colleen
MY b day is in feb how dare you sadistic
anyone else concerned abt the tv in the background?
Oh my god we and November Besty’s
Oh wow I just watched the interview and I always knew his name was Wolfie but I didn't know he was 7 my dog's name is wolf and he is 7 except he is an Smithfield blueheeler cross stumpy tail Australian cattle Dog
Octo in October means 8 and Sept means 7
Hey joey I'm a new subscriber
It's so nice that Joey is gonna help deliver the twins 💖💙
Joey’s solution to fostering baby animals: “I’ll see if Colleen will take them”
It is so funny that you said”your future baby daddy lol
The real Karen is the one whose white forehead connects with the back, the others don't.
Omg Mae is my middle name and may is my birth month
Yikes, that’s very irresponsible
I love after all these years he still calls her 'Call eeen' 🤦♀️😂
pleasee i want one so badly
Ever look painful how u let them chew on ur fingers like that lmao and id put the sleeping area in the middle of the room lol
January and February used to be at the end of the year, which is why astrologically they are the last signs listed. Julius Caesar decided he wanted his own month, which is where July comes in. He also decided his nephew Augustus should have his own month too, hence the addition of August. So, the whole end of the year got pushed up. October used to be the 8th month, November the 9th month, and December the 10th month, then January, and finally February on the original calendar.
I should be having one of those pet house tours, I have three guinea pigs, four budgies, one fish, one dog and one gerbil. I used to have two hamsters and a bearded dragon but they passed away. I have 10 pets right now