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About the Author: Real Wild


  1. This was incredible- I had no idea of the huge amount of wilderness in north america- absolutely stunning. Be nice to know where and what to do to help stop these big companies from destroying these lands and animals.

  2. If viewers didn't have this running commentary and close-ups of the presenter explaining the obvious, do you think they would have missed anything? It would have been a much nicer documentary to watch without the explanations and the closeups. After all we should let pictures speak a thousand words, shouldn't we? And we are all well-informed viewers where wildlife is concerned. Could this video not be redone without the presence of a presenter occupying screen time nearly as much as the wilflife does? At best what is required is sub-titles offered very sparingly without audio when absolutely necessary, and yes a little music here and there. Thank you.

  3. Not sure how i got here im at the light i like animals so imma click like come back later n watch. Guess youtube want me to take my driving thru country all the way nature like. I will be back bud just need some music

  4. I love seeing how much you respect the wilderness, the Animals in their environment. It sadden me when I go place and see how others behave.

  5. You know evolution is still a theory right? I remember when it only had a sentence in my science book. We were created and there's no such thing as global warming. You should just take pictures and talk about them. I love what you show hate what you spew out of your pie hole.

  6. Alt Wolfe , i just spent a joyful hour seeing a small part of this amazing planet through your lens.Thank you for taking me along on your amazing journey.

  7. Had to blame a dead tree on global warming when it is not true. The trees didn’t die because the temperature increases a half degree over 150 years. The pictures were great,

  8. Do you have photos of the Glacier's depth and position two hundred years ago,1821, as you stated how much deeper and advanced it was then. I know most Glaciers in North America have Receded a lot the past two hundred years except for some in South East Alaska which are holding their own or growing some.Many Glaciers started receding before the Industrial Age but Man is probably helping them along. Enjoyed seeing the many and diverse animals brought up close with your camera, the scenic vistas are a sight to behold.

  9. I'm glad that you got such nice photos of the Grizzly Bears. However; Grizzlies are predators, and they are very unpredictable. They've been known to kill a person in a hot flash. Many years ago, I lived in Alaska, and I remember hearing about Grizzly and Black bear attacks. They were frightening!!! You really should be much more careful.

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