NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 13 – 16 October 2021 Climate changе! flood, hail storm

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NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 13 – 16 October 2021 Climate changе! flood, hail storm
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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About the Author: Climate change


  1. Friends support us with likes and reposts !!! We will be very grateful !!! We also subscribe to the channel))))

    Friends, we are looking for climatic eyewitnesses who are ready to give interviews for the conference on December 4, TIME OF TRUTH. Please respond.**

  2. California is always on fire because the homeless people need to keep warm at night but are terrible at maintaining safe fires

  3. Glory be to God and his chosen Children and God bless America and God bless you all Israel is forever ♾️🇮🇱🇺🇸 Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah YESHUA YESHUA YESHUA

  4. These are just warnings. God will not let us enter the Age of Aquarius with the satanic religions of the synagogue and the Vatican. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, ASCII CODE 666, alive for the final judgment in the square of the so-called "Saint" Peter – an occultist Jew. Or God will do us a total RESET. You will not worship false Abrahamic idols in the Age of Aquarius. The only salvation is the Peaceful Apocalypse.

  5. Give your life to Jesus christ let him take control. Keep safe for we are sojourners in this world. Maranatha! 👑👰👸🤴🦁🎺💒Come LORD Jesus Christ and come Quickly and NOW.

  6. Hyperbole, the Island of La Palma is NOT completely covered in volcanic ash. it is a swath of the island, Life continues as normal on the rest of the island. It is only in the area directly around and west of the volcano that is impacted. Deceit is the work of the Devil, Satan's own greatest work THE LIE. thou shalt not bare false witness

  7. Thank you for informing! More information what is going to be with our planet in the near future at the International online conference "Global crisis. Time for the Truth" on December, 2021🌎🌎🌎

  8. Very good collection… Let the whole planet fully, completely, eternally get destroyed and perish immediately… Let not one single wretched human being survive with body and mind functioning properly

  9. We are simply in the Beginnings of an end of an age great and rapid shifting of the Planet Earths Magnetic Poles. Its not mother nature trying to Restore Balance. Its Not Gods wrath for sin. Its a regular occurance the happens at a debatable number of thousands of years. it has happened several times in the past. not any extinction level event. and the magnetic Poles would still be shifting even if man had never walked on the planet earth. Man did not cause it. Man cant stop or mitigate the shifting. So its a exciting time to be alive on the planet An end of an age! Just as well embrace the new adventure.

  10. Yes climate does change. Over centuries, and days, weeks. Prepare for the great solor minimum. Great news is human beings survived them and they will now. Interesting video.

  11. 30 : 41. Mischief is appeared on the land and in the sea because of what men’s hands have earned, so that He may let them taste something of what they have earned, so that they may turn back to the aim of life.

    By hiding and rejecting Adhikr which is the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium, the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar are indulged in mischievous activities all over the world. These worthless people mentioned in verse 25: 18 are preferring bodily and worldly life to that of the soul and Hereafter. They are exploiting nature for their worldly gains without considering the future as explained in verse 2: 62. These transgressors will never return into the Straightpath (Adhikr) as explained in verses 2: 18; 17: 97 and 25: 34. They are hurrying for the dateline of earth’s Pole shift and Antichrist. So by the second coming of Jesus and killing Antichrist, these worst creatures mentioned in verse 8: 22 will be killed by the other people belonging to Messenger’s community as explained in verses 9: 5 and 123. Then only these Fujjar will admit that not Arabic Quran, but Adhikr was Lord’s Book as told in verse 38: 8. See explanation 7: 174 and 16: 61.

    From Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord's Book

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