China is in a panic! Terrible earthquake in Taiwan.

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An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 hit northeastern Taiwan. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 hit Yilan County in northeastern Taiwan on Sunday October 24, but no casualties were reported. According to the Central Meteorological Office of the island, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 66.8 km at 13:11 local time (01.05 GMT) in Nanyo Municipality in Yilan. Shortly thereafter, there was a second earthquake in Datong, another municipality in the same county, with a magnitude of 5.4 at a depth of 67.3 km. According to the meteorological service, no property damage or earthquake casualties have yet been reported. Ground vibrations were felt in many parts of Taiwan, including the capital city of Taipei. Taiwan is located at the confluence of the Philippine and Eurasian plates, so earthquakes are frequent on the island.
In 2021, natural disasters have become more frequent. We are seeing climate change in many countries around the world. It is not known how 2021 will end.
#weather #news #earthquake #tsunami #Taiwan
#rain #China #Taipei
#flood #fire #hailstorm #hail #hurricane #nature #disasters
The channel lists natural disasters, such as: 1) Geological emergencies: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mud, landslide, landslide, avalanche; 2) Emergency hydrological situations: tsunami, limnological disaster, flood; 3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Storm. playlist NATURAL DISASTERS


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About the Author: Dangerous Planet


  1. Climate Change: God speaking to you. Birth Pains. Seek Jesus daily. Repent. You are receiving more and more warning signs. Has nothing to do with climate change. No such thing.

  2. All of these world events were predicted in the Bible. Christians know what's happening and what's to come is much worse than what we are seeing. If you don't believe in God, then let this message be your warning. God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world. We will all stand before God on judgement day and anyone who does not trust and believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior is already condemned to the lake of fire as we have all sinned and broken Gods laws and nothing including our good deeds can be enough to make us right aside from Jesus. God is the righteous Judge who created us and all that exists and so we will answer to Him for our sins but Jesus came as an atonement or payment for our sins so that we have a right standing with God. Anyone who believes and confesses that Jesus is Lord and trusts and walks with Him will not be condemned to the lake of fire but instead will live on forever in the world to come once Jesus returns.

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life

  3. Commit your way to the Lord; trust him, and he will do everything. And he will bring out your righteousness like the light, and your right like the noonday. – Psalm 37:5-6

    Посвятите свой путь Господу; доверься ему, и он все сделает. И он явит вашу правду, как свет, и вашу правду, как полдень. – Псалом 37: 5-6

  4. GOD'S righteous judgments are on earth for rejecting repentancе. Repent and turn away from sin, live righteously and holy, because The LORD JESUS ​​is coming. The sins of people will lead them to hell. Repent in Christ Jesus, repent people of the earth, do not go to hell. Live righteously and holy to enter Нeaven. THE LORD IS COMING! John 3/16, Acts 17/30-31, John 14/6, Hebrews 12/14
    GOD’S Mighty Prophets of the book of Revelation 11 are among us .


  6. ستنفجر جميع براكين العالم قبل انتهاء هذا العام. وخاصة في البلدان الصحراوية والاسياوية والاوروبية.
    كما انه سيحدث اعاصير عاتية وفياضات ضخمة وهزات ارضية وزلازل مدمرة في المناطق المذكورة.
    لا تخافوا. هذا كله من ضمن خطة مدروسة لتبريد الكرة الارضية. مع انها ستكون مميتة في بعض الدول لكن هناك من يحاول بالمجازفة بحياة الناس للوصول الى الهدف المنشود.
    اذا لاحظتم انه في الآونة الاخيرة كثر الكلام عن ارتفاع نسبة ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الطبقات الجوية العليا وارتفاع درجات حرارة الارض. هذا ايضا من ضمن الخطة المذكورة لاقناع المجتمعات الغربية انه من الضروري فعل شيء ما قبل فوات الاوان. طبعا كله تهويل لايجاد اسباب لمحاربة الصين التي اصبحت القوة العظمى في العالم. تدور هذه المعركة من الجو ومن خلف الشاشات على بعد الاف الكيلومترات. انزعوا الاقنية عن عيونكم لتروا الحقيقة. لا تقل لي ان الساعة قد اقتربت او سيظهر المهدي المنتظر او المسيح الدجال. انها حرب مناخية ستكون مدمرة لبعض الدول. للأسف.
    والصين ترد بالمثل.

  7. MATTHEW 24:7-8

    7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom

    against kingdom: and there shall be FAMINES, and

    PESTILENCE, and EARTHQUAKES, in divers places

    8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. REPENT

    Believe in The Son of GOD, Believe in the Gospel

    of Salvation, Be Baptized in the name of The Lord

    Jesus Christ become Born Again in Christ and be

    Saved 🕊🌷💜🙏🎺🌺🌷💜🌷🌺🎺🙏💜🌷🕊

  8. The title video is the mudslide of Japan and has nothing to do with Taiwan. There was also no earthquake of magnitude M6 or greater in Taiwan. In short, a simple and bad hoax

  9. Where was the panic again, i didnt even hear it in monotone computer voice lmfao….eeediots throw panic in for what again? Wasnt 6.5 earthquake plenty?

  10. اقرؤوا بيانات الإمام المهدي المنتظر ناصر محمد اليماني لتعرفوا الحقائق الحق من محكم كتابه القرآن الكريم ومن السنة النبوية الحق. .

  11. اقرؤوا بيانات الإمام المهدي المنتظر ناصر محمد اليماني قبل وصول كوكب العذاب سقر اللواحة للبشر المسبب بالكوارث على الأرض.

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