Funniest Social Media Fails Of The Week #7 – REACTION
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Hey ya’ll! Today on my channel we are reacting to some of the funniest social media fails of the week! Enjoy 🙂
#socialmedia #socialmediafails #failsoftheweek #fails #fail #epicfail #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobreio #charlottedobre
Hi, I’m Charlotte Dobre. I’m an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I crack a joke or two. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it’s a good time.
Follow Me!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charlaychaplin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlottedobre
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@charlottedobreofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charlottedobreofficial
Edited By Kelly Paoli
End screen song:
Take It All Off (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass) – Defunk
You are a very good singer x
Well I subscribed months ago, and I don't think you can do it more than once, right? 🤗
Those are lorikeets 🤣
okay, I'm wtaching this late, but this was put out on my birthday and Charlotte sang to me, so um, how are YOU winning today? Cos I'm set.
Hey Charlotte I dont usually post because i know you get thousands of them a video but I just have to say I love you so much. I have been so depressed and sad a lot lately and watching you has made me smile and laugh more than I have in years. Keep doing you sweetie pie! Your amaz balls!!
Not true, the internet was first being developed in the late 1960s in California by Elmer Shapiro at the Stanford research institute
The officer is double. That's likely for mother baby coming home from the hospital, extre douchy
i've just watched multiple videos from this channel since im quarantined. and im still gonna watch this after im out of the facitities as we are quarantined for another 6 days. so yeah
You are toooo funny 😄
I'm so tired of morons making all of us Americans look bad. We are not all over entitled idiots. 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
Doesn’t Kim have ownership in Kanye’s company because he ran it so badly she had to step in to save it? I thought I saw a post somewhere stating she literally had him stop producing clothing and had him stick with the shoes but she had to take control over everything because he’s crazy af. Lol
Those birds aren’t parrots…maybe they shouldve also done their research
my favorite saying yes I made it up but people still people apologize and think it's a real thing😂😂😂😂 I like to call it spontaneous retardism do and say some retarded shit😂😂😂😂
Omg girl, your singing is beautiful. You're a professional photographer, an actress, a well-known YouTuber, a business woman and a singer. Damn girl, you got it going on!! Blessings from Australia 🌻💛🌻
Wow you should defos do more singing x beautiful voice xx
We love when you insert the vocals, more vocals please. You have a beautiful voice. 🥰
I really think you should just start calling these "human devolution" videos.
It is the random expressions you make for me. Your content is so freaking funny. I can't get over it. I'm so glad you showed up one random day on my YouTube home page and been addicted ever since. Definitely helps during dark days because I realize my bad day is no where near as bad as others XD
Hearing you sing is my favorite part of your videos! 💗🎶
A drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts
The terms aren't "outdated". People just love to find things to complain about.
swimming with bags on their heads… if you're that worried about coronavirus DON"T GO TO THE FUCKING BEACH
The intro made me sub 😅
Less than 100 years ago calling people doctor or teacher also had classist connotations. (The more you know) 😉
Oooh OwO
Who is pewdie pie? I'm 'murican 🖤
I have that cup! Love your videos Charlotte!
Ok ok, I was a lurker but I finally hit subscribe!
Omg Charlotte, I just watched a commercial for an MLM business on your channel LMAO, ECOM BABES.. Thought you'd get a laugh, too damn bad it wasn't on one of your MLM videos, SUBSCRIBED
Correction: There's nothing more satisfying than not caring what your ex boyfriend's new girlfriend looks like, because you are happy and just don't care. 🤷♀️
Look, I’m sorry ik this is annoying but I think the shoutout pewdiepie thing was sarcasm, cuz OwO is a really popular commenter on yt. y’know, like they found it funny that they said smthin about pewdiepie
I don’t mean to come off as rude, sorry if it seems that way 😀
0:50 Charlotte, I'm Australian, I laughed when you called them parrots too. There actually called Rainbow lorikeets and they are really common here. So no, not a parrot. Close tho.
love the ending song 😁
The small youtuber Pewdiepie thing was sarcasm hehe I've seen comments like that all over
Not Parrots. Rainbow Lorikeet.
I am subscribed already woman shout at the others lol
I found your channel 3 days ago, after lurking for 3 days I subscribed today, why? because you are hilarious, keep up the good work. 👍👍
Charlotte I throughly enjoy ya quirkiness… I freaking love it… I was hoping u finished the song
Did you just…… clap….. with one hand…..
I can do that too. ☠️
Oh wait those were yeezys?? Lmao I thought they were fancier crocs or something 😂😂😂
The Armageddon montage 😂 So good.
🎶Every moment spent with you Is a moment forevvvveeer 🤔🤔
😳🤔 😳 🤦🏼♀️😂 😳
🎶Is a moment I treasure
(we need a khaby lame emoji 😂😂) …….
Love your voice!!!!
Aren’t those birds from the second whatsit Lorikeets?…
They don't want to pay taxes every again.
I like your singing!
I'm always waiting for "couple more" 😁👌 I don't know why, but it's sooo funny 😁😁😁
You have such a sweet voice.. U should sing more.