Testing Ways To Survive a Minecraft Natural Disaster!
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Russians like the cold
YoU hAvE tAlKiNg At GoD sPeEeEp!!!!!!!!
The villager: AAAAAA
Villager: calling the police
The villager aaaaah he killed steve
Love you man
How to join in your server
GuIdElInEs ChAnNeL 🤣
when will you upload trade up
LF what texture pack do you use? Reply to this message and do you use optifine
Is It just me, or is zach sped up?
Me mad when his is decorating when there is a earthquake
Hey lover fella i am from Kerala,india we are really in danger😔 bcoz huge dam called mullaperyar is about to explode 😔we are really in danger
Sry for my bad English 😔
this man be like lol
loverfella i need help on your minearft server plees
the first disaster is called australia
Thank you for raising awarness about increasingly bad natural disasters that's a really good thing to do and just like thanks i guess love your vids and subbed 🙂
One day these will be in Vanilla Minecraft!
What are the shaders are you using
the fact that he user old ver of minecraft
Yeah we all just have a iron door sitting around that we can change in one second
Best vid
Nah irl all u gotta do is throw some scrub daddies at the flood
did you notice that doni bobes is putting you in his thumbnails and not crediting you and saying that your sombody different in the video?
I like
You know I love a channel when I turn on notifications
I feel nostalgia from the 2020-2019 Natural disaster minecraft videos
Idk if it’s just me I miss home invaders with his brothers
What about trade up?
I'm scared of tornados
9:04 did that black/green thing just spawn on the window
im literally watching this while a tornado lol but not a f15 our bunker is like a house with 2floors
Pin me you wont
My favourite was the tsunami and no further I love your videos I watch it every day if there's a new video
How fast can you talk?
From India,kerela
I want to tell you something in minecraft i saw a zombie pigmen in 1.17 instead of a green line it was a red one
loverfella: THE MEGA VALCANO use wood im gonna survive
me: wood can burn
I love your vids, keep it up
The volcano in jelly’s video is much more bigger but i still like ur vid
Myth: if you gives a baby piglen any item it will hold it or wear it
I think you should do a challange like short build battle and if you lose you have to put ice on your body for 2 minutes
Woohoo oo
not sure if stilts is a good idea for an earthquake- my own opinion
Ayo there a horrifying creepy pasta on minecraft called the black ghost “hint it only spawns on easy mode”
YO I WATCHED THE igloo video like yesterday and now ur watching it wat is dis
What happened to working on being rich on your server? It’s been 4 weeks
This man is legendary with the POWER of editing